
  • 网络Basis Vector;Basic Vector;Primitive vector
  1. 利用单位算符可以使运动方程转化为矩阵方程,并使方程求解转化为一系列基矢的变换过程。

    By using the unit operator , equations of motion can be transformed into matrix equations , and their solution can thus be reduced to a series of basis vector transformations .

  2. 根据旋光现象的菲涅耳唯象理论,推导了光轴方向单轴旋光晶体的圆基矢Jones矩阵。

    Based on Fresnel 's theories of optical activity , the circular basis vector Jones matrix was concluded along optical axis in the active uniaxial crystals .

  3. 这种概念强调整个dN组态空间基矢的标准化。

    This concept emphasizes the standardization of the basis of the whole dN configuration space .

  4. 结论在研究非对易环(torus)时,用{φmnj>}做基矢是特别方便的。

    Conclusion Making use of a set of complete states as basis vector when the study of noncommutative ring is very convenient .

  5. Brauer代数不可约表示的基矢构造及维数公式

    Dimension Formula and an Irreducible Basis of Brauer Algebras

  6. 基于电荷的不连续性,对无耗散介观耦合电路进行量子化,在无相互作用Hamilton本征态基矢下给出介观电路的能谱关系;

    On the basis of the charge discreteness , the non-dissipative coupled mesoscopic circuit is quantized , the energy spectrum of the circuit is given under non-interaction Hamilton eigenstate basis vectors .

  7. 本文探讨了用惯用晶胞(晶胞)为基矢构成的倒格子中的倒格矢计算面间距,并取bcc和fcc为例。

    This paper proposes a formula to calculate the interplanar distance by using the vectors in the reciprocal lattice which is constructed from the primitive vectors of conventional unit cell ( unit cell ) .

  8. 一种确定电子轨道自旋角动量耦合基矢的简便方法

    A simple method to determine the coupling vectors of orbit-spin angular momentums

  9. 任意正交曲线坐标基矢洛仑兹变换的矩阵表示

    Matrix Expressions on Orthogonal Bases under Lorentz Transformation

  10. 表象间的基矢变换与幺正矩阵关系的再讨论

    Further Discussion on the Relation between Base Vector Transformation and Unitary Matrix among Representations

  11. f~3组态离子在四角场中的基矢矩阵元

    The Basis Vectors of f ~ 3 Ions in Tetragonal Field and Matrix Elements Related

  12. 然后,在数态基矢表象下,研究了体系的量子数为2的两振子束缚态。

    Then , we study the two-vibron bound states of the system in the presentation of the number states .

  13. 本文用欧几里得算法,给出求解基矢变换对应矩阵的解析表达式。

    An analytical method to find correspondence matrix for basic vector transformation is given by using elementary theory of numbers .

  14. 三角场下SO(3)群与O群不可约表示基矢间的变换系数

    Transformation coefficients between the basis functions of so ( 3 ) group and those of 0 group for trigonal systems

  15. 少体束缚态的低能态和简谐振子混合基矢展开方法

    The Expansion Method of Mixed Basis Vectors of Lower-energy States and Harmonic Oscillators in Calculation of Bound States of Few-Body Systems

  16. 关于左矢、右矢和相伴基矢、相伴矢量以及协变矢量、逆变矢量的几点注记

    Notes on the Bra Vector and Ket Vector , Reciprocal Basis Vectors and Reciprocal Vectors , Covariant Vectors and Contravariant Vectors

  17. 本文主要介绍希尔伯特空间的另两组基矢:极坐标表象和轨道角动量表象以及该二表象间的变换。

    This paper mainly introduces the polar coordinate presentation and the orbital angular momentum presentation in Hilbert space and the mathematical transformation between them .

  18. 用离散的位置基矢近似替代连续位置基矢,建立分立位置表象。

    By using the discrete position base - vectors approximating for the continuous position base - vector , the discrete position presentation is constructed .

  19. 量子力学教材中对于多个角动量耦合基矢的确定,由于其计算上复杂,往往通过查表得到。

    In most quantum mechanics textbooks , the determination of coupling vectors of multiple angular momentums was usually by looking up tables because of its complex calculation .

  20. 本文主要说明在各种情况下,如何正确写出矩阵,并解决了基矢和矢量变换中的有关问题。

    This paper mainly explains how to Corectly Write the matrices under kinds of circumstances , and resolves concerning problems in the transformation of basic vector and vectors .

  21. 尽管使用非完备测量可能会使成功几率下降,我们可以通过调节测量基矢和纠缠态的具体形式而使成功几率达到最佳。

    Using non-completion measurement , though the successful probability may be reduced , we can properly adjust the forms of entanglement and the measurement-basis to maximize the successful probability .

  22. 介绍了描述O点阵特征的基本参量:主O点阵基矢、主O点阵面和O胞壁的定义和计算公式。

    This paper presents the definitions and calculation formulas of characteristic features of the O-lattice , including the principal O-lattice vectors , the principal O-lattice planes , and the O-cell walls .

  23. 视正格子原胞基矢和倒格子原胞基矢为线性空间的两个基底,提出了求解倒格子原胞的一种新的矩阵算法。

    Regarding the reciprocal lattice primitive cell s basic vectors as two line space basic vectors , this paper finds a new matrix method to work out the reciprocal lattice primitive cell .

  24. 在瞬时本征态为基矢下,量子绝热定理的物理图象变得非常清晰,有助于我们理解量子绝热定理。

    In terms of the basis of the instantaneous eigenstate , the physical picture of the quantum adiabatic theorem becomes very clear , which will help us understand the quantum adiabatic theorem .

  25. 本文分析了晶体三斜坐标系绕一基矢转动后,新旧基矢间的线性变换关系,推导出描述这个变换的矩阵;

    For the rotation of the triclinic axes about some axis through nay angle the linear transformation between new set of axes and old one has been treated , and the transformation matrix is presented .

  26. 在门操作中基矢经历相同的阻尼过程,相位门对原子的自发辐射以及腔场中光子的泄露都不敏感,因此本方案具有较高的保真度。

    Ground states in the phase gate pass through the same damping process , thus the phase gate is insensitive to atomic spontaneous emission and cavity photon leakage . Consequently , this scheme is of a high fidelity .

  27. 它的基波波矢随温度而单调地下降,与实验观察到的现象一致。

    The basic wave-vector decreases monotonously with temperature as observed in experiment .

  28. 利用最佳平方逼近的Legendre多项式来逼近基曲线的法矢曲线,计算出各控制顶点的偏移向量,由此产生偏移控制多边形来得到等距曲线的逼近曲线。

    In this paper , an approximation approach is presented for offsetting curve by approximating the normal curve of the base curve using Legendre least-square polynomials . After computing the perturbed vectors , the offset curve can be obtained by shifting the control points of the base curve .

  29. 椎基静脉孔垂直矢状向骨折;

    Longitudinal fracture with the fracture line vertical to the vertebrobasilar venous foramen .

  30. 结果:FR-能矫正上下颌基骨异常的矢状关系,主要变化是下颌骨向下、向后旋转,改变下颌骨生长的方向,同时使下颌切牙舌倾、上前牙唇倾,上颌骨向前生长。

    Results : FR ⅲ can correct the abnormal sagittal relationship of the basal bone between maxilla and mandible . The main changes were the downward and backward rotation of the mandible , the retrusion of the lower incisors , the protrusion of the upper incisors .