
  • 网络surface wave method
  1. 面波法探测混凝土缺陷的模型试验研究

    Experimental research on detecting concrete 's flaws by surface wave method

  2. 瞬态面波法在公路软基勘查中的应用研究

    Application Study on Transient Surface Wave Method in Soft Foundation Exploration of Highway

  3. Love面波法机理的进一步讨论

    Further discussing on the principle of Love surface wave method

  4. Love波变分原理与Love面波法的反演技术

    The Variation Principles of Love Waves and the Inversion Technique for Love Surface Waves Methods

  5. 将时域有限差分法(FDTD)和平面波法作为光子晶体理论研究的工具。

    The finite-difference time-domain ( FDTD ) method and plane wave method are developed for analyzing the 2-D square lattice photonic crystals .

  6. Rayleigh面波法是一种新兴的地球物理勘探方法,具有能量大,信噪比高等特点,近些年来越来越多的被应用于浅层地球物理勘探,深层地震学研究,超声波无损检测等多个领域。

    Rayleigh-wave-method is a new method in geophysical prospecting . Rayleigh wave usually has more energy and higher signal to noise ratio than body waves , so there are more and more applications of Rayleigh wave in geophysical prospecting , seismology and ultrasonic nondestructive testing and so on recent years .

  7. 面波法检测地基波速中振源与测点的布置方法

    On arrangement of excitation and transducers in surface wave measurement

  8. 工程勘察中稳态瑞利面波法解释理论的探讨

    Probe the interpretation theory of steady-state Rayleigh wave method in engineering exploration

  9. 面波法与单孔检层法波速测试的工程应用

    Application of Wave Velocity Test Technique in Geotechnical Engineering

  10. 相比较而言,面波法更为直观、可靠。

    In comparison , the surface wave method is more intuitive and reliable .

  11. 水泥土搅拌墙瞬态面波法无损检测模型研究

    Research on Surface-wave Non-destructive Detecting Method of Soil-cement Wall

  12. 瞬态面波法探测堤坝软弱层技术的研究与应用

    Study and Application of Soft Layer Detection Techniques in Dykes by Transient State Surface

  13. 瞬态面波法的数据采集处理系统及其应用实例

    Data collection and processing system of transient surface wave method and examples of its application

  14. 瞬态面波法检测路基压实度的研究与探讨

    The Study of Transient State Rayleigh Wave in Inspection of Degree of Compaction of Subgrade

  15. 面波法确定冲积土地基承载力的试验研究

    Experimental Study on Bearing Capacity of Alluvial Soil Foundation by Method of Surface Wave Velocity

  16. 针对水泥搅拌土防渗墙的结构特点,开发了新型有效的瞬态面波法施工质量无损检测技术。

    According to the features of cement-soil impermeable wall , a new effective non-destructive detecting technology based on transient surface-wave method was developed .

  17. 由多道面波法和地震反射法测得的横波速度则作为堤身的刚度的良好判别指标。

    The S-wave velocities estimated from MASW and seismic reflection surveys were used as the good indices to evaluate the stiffness of levee body .

  18. 稳态法所具有的优势是其它类似物探方法包括目前的瞬态面波法很难比拟的。

    On these aspects , the advantages of steady state method are difficultly comparable by other similar geophysical methods including the present transient surface wave method .

  19. 采用探地雷达法、面波法均可有效检测注浆过程浆液流动状态并推断浆液扩散到达的界面位置。

    It can detect effectively flow state of grout and infer grout spread to reach the interface position in the grouting process using ground-penetrating radar and surface wave method .

  20. 本文首先总结了地震勘探的基本方法,如地震反射波法、折射波法、面波法、横波分裂法和多波多分量地震勘探方法;

    We summarized the pres - ent methods of seismic prospecting , for example , reflection , refraction and surface wave method , shear-wave split method , multi-wave and multi-components method , etc.

  21. 现场试验则采用地质钻探、电测深法和瞬态面波法三种手段分析评价湘桂铁路扩能改造工程桂林测试段的注浆质量。

    The field test using geological drilling , the electrical sounding method and the transient surface wave three means to evaluation the grouting quality of Xiang-Gui railway expansion and reconstruction project in Guilin test section .

  22. 简述了面波法与单孔法等波速测试方法的工作原理、现场施测技术以及数据处理和资料分析过程。

    The working principles , field observing techniques , data processing and analysis about the wave velocity test technique , such as the Rayleigh surface wave method and the elastic wave well-logging method in single borehole , are briefly introduced .

  23. 本文介绍了瑞雷波原理和特点,并对多道瞬态面波法结合具体的岩溶体探测和第四系化学沉积钙华层的划分工程实例,探讨瑞雷波法在解决灰岩工程中应用效果。

    The paper describes the character and the inspecting principle of Rayleigh wave , discusses its application of Rayleigh wave in karst exploration through multi-channel transient surface wave exploration in engineering example about detecting karst body and dividing Quaternary geochemical sedimentary limestone .

  24. 电测深法和瞬态面波法是岩溶注浆质量评价中常用的物探方法,然而它们在评价路基岩溶注浆质量上还缺乏深入系统的研究和理论指导。

    Sounding method and the transient surface wave method are commonly used geophysical methods in karst grouting quality evaluation , but it is lack of system research and the theoretical guidance for electrical sounding measurement to detect the grouting quality of karst subgrade .

  25. 采空区与围岩具有明显的波阻抗界面,为应用地震反射波法、瞬态面波法及电阻率测深法在采空区的勘测,具备了有利的物理前提和应用条件。

    Mined-out areas and country rocks of mines in Zhangqiu county have evident wave-preventing boundary , which provide good physical and application condition for exploration in mined out areas by using seismic reflection method , transient surface wave method , and resistivity sounding method .

  26. 通过现场综合物探(瑞利面波法和高密度电阻率法)测试,对滑坡体内部结构特征作了更深入的分析,并对测试结果异常区进行了解释,反推了坡体的滑动过程。

    Through the comprehensive geophysical prospecting test ( including Rayleigh wave method and high density method ), this paper made a more in-depth analysis of the internal structure characteristics , and explained abnormal area of the test results , inverted the sliding process of the landslide .

  27. 简要论述了近年来发展起来的地球物理检测新技术方法中的瞬态瑞利面波法工作原理,以及应用在公路路基隐患检测中理论基础、优点和存在的问题。

    The working principle of transient Rayleigh wave method , which is embodied in geophysical test new technique developed in recent years , in addition to the theoretical basis , advantages and existing problems applied in the hidden trouble test of highway roadbeds are briefly discussed .

  28. 瑞利面波勘探法是近年来才逐渐兴起的一种浅层地球物理勘探新方法。

    Rayleigh wave prospecting is a new near-surface geophysical method .

  29. 本文首次采用Rayleigh面波双台法研究中国西部及其邻域的三维横波速度结构。

    It 's the first time that interstation method for Rayleigh wave is used to study the 3-D V-S structure in the crust and upper mantle beneath western China and adjacent area .

  30. 介绍了用面波的谱分析法(SASW)及多道分析法(MASW)求取近地表横波速度剖面。

    This paper discusses the calculation of near surface shear velocity by spectral analysis of surface waves ( SASW ) and multichannel analysis of surface waves ( MASW ) .