
miàn wén
  • facial wrinkles
  1. 兽面纹究竟是一种图腾崇拜的遗存或仅是一种艺术图案的省略与变化?

    Do these patterns belong to a worship to totem or just an art pattern ?

  2. 颈部装饰有夔纹,腹部为曲折纹组成的兽面纹图案。纹饰构图谨严,主题突出,凹凸疏密结合自然,产生出强烈的层次感。

    The con-cave and protuberant , the distant and dense patterns were naturally combined to create a clear gradation .

  3. 随着识别技术的不断成熟和计算机技术的飞速发展,各种基于人体生理特征的身份识别系统如:指纹、手掌、声音、视网膜、瞳孔和面纹等识别技术纷纷从实验室中走出来。

    Fortunately , the rapid improvements of recognition and computer technologies have brought the biometric recognition technology , like recognition of fingerprint , palm , voice , iris , face , into actual use .

  4. 神异动物纹有兽面纹、龙纹、凤鸟纹三类,在商代和西周早、中期它们的形式变化最为丰富,是青铜器装饰的主要题材。

    Miraculous animal images design included animal face , dragon , phenix veins . It was the main theme in the early Shang Dynasty and Western Zhou Dynasty and it was the most abundant .

  5. 镜的正面磨光发亮,背面有的饰单层或双层花纹,常见的有兽面纹、花叶纹、龙凤纹等。

    The front side of the mirrors , after being polished , glistens while the backside is embellished with single-layered or double-layered patterns , among which the commonly seen are thus - of animal faces , flowers and leaves , dragons and phoenixes .