
  • 网络facial pain;PIFP
  1. 持续原发性面痛患者三叉神经根入口处的神经血管关系:MRI3D成像表现

    Neurovascular relationship at the trigeminal root entry zone in persistent idiopathic facial pain : Findings from MRI 3D visualisation

  2. 过度张口引起口面痛的作用机制研究

    Pathogenic mechanism of orofacial pain caused by overextended opening

  3. 三叉神经痛(面痛)的病因病机。

    Etiology and pathogenesis of trigeminal neuralgia .

  4. 目的探讨建立创伤咬合动物模型的有效方法,为探讨咬合创伤致口面痛机制的研究提供依据。

    Objective The aim of this study was to establish an availability and credibility traumatic occlusal animal model by dogs in order to do further basic research works in traumatic occlusion field .

  5. 我既然能够当着你自己的面,深恶痛绝地骂你,自然也会在你任何亲戚面前骂你。

    After abusing you so abominably to your face , I could have no scruple in abusing you to all your relations .

  6. 有时候我想不会有人了解心理面藏着的痛。

    I guess nobody could know my faiInt pain in my heart .