
  • 网络facial tic;facial tic,Beu's spasm
  1. 根据手术结果,MR诊断面肌抽搐及三叉神经痛患者神经血管压迫或接触的敏感度为94%,准确度为83%,阳性似然比为188。

    The sensitivity , accuracy , and positive likelihood ratio of MR diagnosis of vascular compression or contact was 94 % , 83 % , and 1.88 , respectively .

  2. 面肌抽搐与三叉神经痛的MRI诊断表现为:进行性或突发性面瘫,常伴有面肌抽搐。

    MR diagnosis of hemifacial spasm and trigeminal neuralgia Expression is : Undertake gender or paroxysmal face paralysis , often accompany tic of flesh having a side .

  3. 针刺后溪穴治疗面肌抽搐的临床研究

    Clinical Study on Facial Spasm Treated by Acupuncture at Houxi Point

  4. 应用射频温控热凝术颌面神经主干治疗原发性面肌抽搐的治疗观察

    Treatment of primary facial muscle spasm with RF controlled temperature thermocoagulation

  5. 其显效率和平均作用时间:面肌抽搐为100%,(16.5±5.3)周;

    In patients with facial spasm , 100 % of them achieve muscular relaxation in ( 16.5 ± 5.3 ) weeks ;

  6. 方法本组包括121例面肌抽搐病人和30例正常对照者,均作了磁共振断层血管造影。

    Methods Magnetic resonance tomographic angiography ( MRTA ) was performed in all 121 patients with hemifacial spasm and 30 controls without as .

  7. 患者晨起发现右侧口角漏水,右侧眼睑闭不严,左侧面肌不自主抽搐,并感左面部发紧。

    Quarrel is slack on the right side of the discovery since patient morning , eyelid is shut on the right side of lax , left side flesh is not own and convulsive , feel left facial hair is close .

  8. 面肌痉挛显微血管减压术的诱发肌电图监测和评估磁共振断层血管造影在面肌抽搐病人中的价值

    The evaluation of monitoring facial EMG responses during microvascular decompression operation for hemifacial spasm . Value of the magentic resonance tomographic angioraphy in the investigation of hemifacial spasm