
  1. 结论:老年人在心肌供血不足的基础上发生室上性心动过速同室性心动过速有同等重要的意义目的:探讨老年人在EKG示心肌供血不足时发生室上性心动过速的意义。

    Conclusion SVT was as important meaning as ventricular tachycardia for the old with myocardia ischemia . Objective To explore the significance of EKG showing supraventricular tachycardia ( SVT ) of the old caused by myocardia ischemia .

  2. 心绞痛是胸痛,是发生与心肌供血不足是的压榨样疼痛或者不适。

    Angina is chest pain , squeezing or discomfort that occurs when the heart fails to get enough blood .

  3. 结论老年患者术前并存较严重呼吸系统疾病、心肌供血不足、严重肾功能不全等因素对围手术期内术后死亡结果有显著影响。

    Conclusion The postoperative death is affected by relatively serious respiratory disease , myocardial ischemia , and serious renal failure .

  4. 运动试验收集可诱导的缺血信号&心肌供血不足。

    A nuclear stress test picks up signs of inducible ischemia : deficiencies in blood flow in the heart muscle .

  5. 冠心病患者会因为运动强度过大而产生心肌供血不足导致心脏机能异常并反映在心电图上。

    Patients with coronary heart disease because the motion intensity is too large to produce cardiac insufficiency lead to abnormal heart function and is reflected in the electrocardiogram .

  6. 背景冠心病是因为冠状动脉粥样硬化或(和)痉挛使管腔狭窄或完全闭塞,心肌供血不足或中断而产生的一种心肌病变。

    Background : Coronary heart disease because of coronary atherosclerosis or ( and ) spasm made lumen narrow or totally occluded . It lead to myocardial ischemia or interrupt and produce a cardiomyopathy change .

  7. 部份病人尚见有局部心肌灌注缺损,提示有心肌供血不足。

    Some segmental perfusion defects were also observed .

  8. 烧伤休克期心肌细胞内酸中毒发生得早而且显著,提示存在心肌供血供氧不足,这点与以往用直接测定血流量的方法所得到的结果不同。

    In contrast to the results obtained by way of direct blood flow determination , the early and significant intracellular acidosis indicated the insufficiency of blood and oxygen supply in myocardium .