
  • 网络Myocardial strain;heart strain
  1. 高血压病患者心肌劳损与冠状动脉储备功能间的关系

    The relationship between myocardial strain of hypertension and coronary flow reserve

  2. 心电图T波改变或心肌劳损39例;

    ECG changes were T wave changes or cardiac damage in 39 patients .

  3. 这种工作负载的增加会导致心肌劳损,最后心脏异常的初发症状就是心肌变大。

    The increased workload can put a strain on the heart , which can lead to heart abnormalities that are usually first seen as enlarged heart muscle .

  4. 其中,心电异常中心动过缓比例最高,占5.1%,其次是心肌劳损,占2.9%。

    Among them , the proportion of ECG is the highest in abnormalities bradycardia , accounting for 5.1 % , followed by myocardial strain , accounting for 2.9 % .

  5. 肥胖组ECG心肌缺血劳损和CAG示冠状动脉狭窄的病例均明显多于非肥胖组。

    The cases with myocardial ischemia and strain diagnosed by ECG and coronary artery stenosis diagnosed by CAG in obesity group were obviously more than those in non-obesity group .

  6. Isorhy能减少心肌氧耗对高血压心肌劳损可能有保护意义。此外VBt还能使大鼠心肌组织耗氧量明显降低。

    The decrease of myocardial oxygen consumption would protect the heart against ischemia induced by hypertension . VBt was shown to decrease the oxygen consumption of the rat myocardial tissue as measured by Warburg 's technique .

  7. Isorhy能减少心肌氧耗量对高血压心肌劳损可能有保护意义。

    The decrease of volume on cardiovascular oxygen consumption would produce a protection for heart ischemia .