
  • 网络pulling manipulation
  1. 定位旋转扳法治疗胸椎后关节紊乱致肩痛1例

    Treatment of Omalgia due to Thoracic Posterior Articular Disorder by Localized Rotation Pulling Manipulation : A Report of Case

  2. 扩胸对抗扳法治疗胸椎小关节紊乱症临床观察

    Treatment of thoracic vertebral micro-joint disturbance syndrome with manipulation method

  3. 牵引加旋转复位扳法为主推拿治疗寰枢关节半脱位47例临床观察

    Clinical Observation on Treating 47 Cases of Atlanto-axial Subluxation With Traction and Massage

  4. 扳法:脊椎的牵伸旋转扳压的调整法。

    Pull : Pull , rotate , pull-press the spinal to adjust it .

  5. 医者面对患者而立,行斜扳法。

    The doctor facing the patient do oblique pulling .

  6. 扳法治疗神经根型颈椎病疗效显著,是神经根型颈椎病推拿治疗中重要的治疗技术;

    Reduction manipulation is important for nerve-root-type cervical spondylosis for its outstanding outcome ;

  7. 论颈椎旋转扳法的机理及注意事项

    Mechanism and Precautions of Cervical Rotating Manipulation

  8. 斜扳法配合平衡针治疗急性腰扭伤的疗效观察

    Clinical Observation of Treatment of Acute Lumbar Sprain with Oblique Traction and Balance Acupuncture Therapy

  9. 目的研究颈椎斜扳法下寰齿关节的安全性。

    Objective To study the safety over the atlanto-odontoid joint of the cervical spine during oblique-pulling manipulation .

  10. 两者的主要分别在于脊柱推拿会在脊柱上使用高速推力,即扳法,关节松动术较温和。

    Their main difference lies in the use of high-speed thrust in spinal manipulation in the spine .

  11. 目的:探讨牵引法、斜扳法治疗腰椎间盘突出症的力学依据。

    Objective : To investigate the mechanics foundations for treatment of prolapse of lumbar intervertebral disc with oblique-pulling method .

  12. 较详细地论证了空间等值线和矢量轨迹线在定量解释中应用的基本方法&量扳法。

    Then the application of the spatial contour and the vector track in quantitative interpretation was discussed in detail .

  13. 改良旋转复位法治疗腰椎间盘突出症较传统腰部斜扳法有较好的临床优势。

    Reset improved lumbar-spine-rotating therapy of lumbar disc herniation than the traditional oblique pulling back a better clinical advantages .

  14. 治疗组采用定位旋转斜扳法进行治疗,对照组采用常规斜扳手法治疗。

    Treatment group adopts positioning and rotatory manipulation for treatment , the control group using conventional inclined wrench therapy .

  15. 正骨推拿手法:分别采取腰背部肌肉放松手法、腰腿部穴位点揉法和腰部侧位斜扳法。

    Manipulation : take leg ministry muscle relaxation techniques , leg ministry acupoint massage and lumbar lateral oblique pulling method .

  16. 结论:1.应用侧卧位定点扳法治疗神经根型颈椎病效果显著;

    Conclusion : 1 . Treating nerve-root-type cervical spondylosis with lateral recumbent position fixed point reduction manipulation can gain significant improvement ;

  17. 侧卧位定点扳法在神经根型颈椎病的推拿治疗中值得推广应用。

    It is worth for promoting lateral recumbent position fixed point reduction manipulation because of its treatment effect in nerve-root-type cervical spondylosis .

  18. 目的确定颈椎定点旋转手法所致咔哒声响的确切小关节位置。论颈椎旋转扳法的机理及注意事项

    Objective To localize the facet joints that give rise to the cracking sounds caused by cervical rotatory and local manipulation . Mechanism and Precautions of Cervical Rotating Manipulation

  19. 目的:比较邵氏点针刺加斜扳法、华佗夹脊针刺加斜扳法治疗脊神经后支源性下腰痛的疗效。

    Objective : Comparing the therapeutic effects on lower back pain treated individually with acupuncture on Shao s points with oblique traction and Huatuo Jiaji points with oblique traction .

  20. 结合力学机制的论证,得出结论:改良旋转扳法在颈椎小关节紊乱症的治疗中施力上更科学,操作上方便易行,疗效上提高显著,值得推广使用。

    Mechanical mechanism with the demonstration , concluded cervical facet joint disorder in the treatment of : pulling force on the rotation improved more scientific , easy to operate and easy , efficacy increased significantly , this approach should promote the use of .

  21. 方法用ATA-ⅡD型牵引床纵轴牵引加中医正骨手法之一:推拿斜扳复位法。

    Methods ATA -ⅱ D type traction bed and chinese traditional manipulation were applied for treatment .

  22. 扳盘法治疗腰椎间盘突出症有很好疗效,并且值得进一步研究和推广。

    Pull plate method for lumbar disc herniation has a good effect , and worthy of further research and extension .

  23. 牵引斜扳整脊法治疗腰椎间盘突出症的力学测试

    The Mechanics Testing For Treatment Of Prolapse Of Lumbar Intervertebral Disc With Oblique-Pulling Chiropractic Method

  24. 文中首先对推杆旋转安装法(推起法)和扳起旋转安装法(扳起法)两种方法的安装全过程进行内力变化的跟踪分析,从而指出旋转安装法的特点。

    Firstly , the whole installation process of handspike rotation installation method ( impulse method ) and pulling rotation installation method ( pulling method ) are analyzed by investigating the variety of internal force , and the characteristics are pointed out .