
  • 网络Bursa;bursae;synovial bursa
  1. 肩关节周围炎Periarthritis(简称肩周炎)是肩关节周围肌肉、韧带、肌腱、滑囊和关节囊等软组织损伤、退变而引起的关节囊和关节周围软组织的一种慢性无菌性炎症。

    Periarthritis of shoulder Periarthritis ( referred to as frozen shoulder ) injury of the soft tissue around the shoulder muscles , ligaments , tendons , bursa and joint capsule , a chronic aseptic inflammation caused by the joint capsule and articular soft tissue degeneration .

  2. 滑囊炎是滑囊的炎症。

    Bursitis is inflammation or irritation of a bursa .

  3. 手掌侧腱滑囊非特异性炎症的CT诊断

    CT diagnosis of nonspecific inflammation of palmar vagina tendinea and bursa synovialis of the hand

  4. 您不必害怕滑囊可的松注射。

    You should not be afraid of cortisone shots in the bursa .

  5. 滑囊起缓冲作用,以保证两个结构的通畅滑动。

    The bursae act as cushioning to allow smooth gliding between these structures .

  6. 滑囊对正常运动有润滑作用,可减少运动各部位之间的摩擦力。滑囊可与关节相通。

    Bursae facilitate normal movement , minimize friction between moving parts , and may communicate with joints .

  7. 滑囊是较小的囊状物,位于活动的结构间,如骨骼,肌肉,皮肤和肌腱。

    Bursae are small sacs located between moving structures such as bones , muscles , skin and tendons .

  8. 如果您能遵守这些忠告,除了极端案例,没有必要手术切除滑囊。

    If you follow this advice , surgery to remove the bursa should not be necessary except in extreme circumstances .

  9. 长期,滑囊可能需要排液,医生将用针插入患区。

    Long-term , the bursa may need to be drained by a doctor , using a needle into the affected area .

  10. 那里,有一个可以方便髂胫束滑动和腿部动作的滑囊。

    There should be a bursa here , which makes it easy for the iliotibial band to slide and the leg to move easily .

  11. 滑囊是充满滑膜液的囊状间隙,位于组织间产生摩擦的部位,如肌腱或肌肉经过骨突起的部位。

    Bursae are saclike cavities or potential cavities that contain synovial fluid located at tissue sites where friction occurs ( eg , where tendons or muscles pass over bony prominences ) .

  12. 结果:武术运动员膝关节损伤的部位主要在半月板、关节软骨及膝关节周围滑囊等部位,一线运动员的受伤几率明显高于二线运动员。

    Result : The injuries of knee of Wushu athletes are more over-used injuries , and it is related with the time of training , the injury of the meniscus is overwhelmed .

  13. 结论皮下形成的滑囊腔模型,其功能结构在一定程度上类似关节滑囊腔,囊壁表层细胞具有滑膜细胞的表型特征。

    Conclusion The experimental model of subcutaneous bursa is similar to the joint synovial bursa in structure and function , and the lining cells of bursa have the phenotype characteristics of synoviocytes .

  14. 腱鞘巨细胞瘤可发生于关节滑膜、滑囊或腱鞘,依据其生长方式和生物学行为,可分成局限性和弥漫性腱鞘巨细胞瘤两类。

    Tenosynovial giant cell tumors arise from synovium of joints , bursae , or tendon sheaths , and are classified into localized and diffuse types based on the growth pattern and clinical behavior .

  15. 瑜伽体式如下犬式,四肢支撑式和侧板式在肩,肘和腕的滑囊处产生极大压力。

    Yoga poses such as downward-facing dog , four-limbed staff pose ( the " yoga push-up ") and side plank can place a lot of stress on bursae in the shoulders , elbows and wrists .

  16. 结果术后2周时,皮下形成滑囊腔结构,肉眼见囊腔内表面光滑,扫描电镜见囊壁内表面有微绒毛结构,囊壁表层有A、B型细胞的超微结构特征;

    Results At 2 weeks after operation , a synovial bursa structure was found around the silica gel bag . Scanning electron microscopy showed microvilli on the smooth internal surface with the ultrastructural characteristics of Type A and Type B cells .

  17. 然后由近端至髌骨远端纵向切开深筋膜,从肌层及髌骨表面分离出来,在髌骨、胫骨粗隆、髌上滑囊与深筋膜结合导致深筋膜异常增厚而形成固有层。

    Then the proximal and distal vertical incision patella deep fascia , from muscularis and patellar surface isolated , in patellar , tibia thick long slide summation of deep fascia capsule and deep fascia with lead to abnormal thickening and the formation of inherent layers .