
  • 网络Boots;SKI BOOT
  1. 高山滑雪靴新的标杆!准备好迎接挑战吧!

    LaSportive : Stratos Sets Ski Boots New Standard ! Ready for the Challenge !

  2. 一次,我穿着滑雪靴去了一个湿漉漉的瓦房蹲便厕所。

    Once , in ski boots , I negotiated a tiled , wet , squat toilet .

  3. 脚踝部在滑雪靴中要易于弯曲。

    Your boots must allow you to bend your ankles .

  4. 滑雪靴[外底由橡胶、塑料、皮革或合成革制,鞋帮由皮革制]

    Ski boot [ with outer soles of rubber plastics , leather or composition leather and uppers of leather ]

  5. 冬天的行事历上,已经排满了活动,滑雪靴上的灰尘也早已掸除乾净了。

    I have planned many winter activities on my calendar and shaken off the dust on my ski boots .

  6. 滑冰靴,滑雪靴及越野滑雪用鞋靴、滑雪板靴、角力靴、拳击靴及赛车鞋。

    Skating boots , ski-boots and cross-country ski footwear , sn-owboardboots , wrestling boots , boxing boots and cycling shoes .

  7. 这个餐馆的另一个特色是,造雪机上有音乐节目主持人演奏摇滚乐,并允许人们穿着滑雪靴跳舞。

    The restaurant also features a DJ playing rock music from atop a snow-grooming machine , and encourages dancing in ski-boots .

  8. 滑雪靴、越野滑雪鞋靴及雪板靴,外底以橡胶、塑料、皮或组合皮制,而鞋面以皮制者。

    Ski-boots , cross-country ski footwear and snowboard boots , with outer soles of rubber , plastics , leather or composition leather and uppers of leather .

  9. 还有完全让人无法理解的东西:穿破了的鞋,单个后视镜,不配对的滑雪靴。可怜的垃圾,舒适的奥地利与其东南边邻国的生活水平如此大不相同,形成了鲜明对照。

    And there is the plain baffling : worn-out shoes , a lonely wing mirror , a solitary ski boot : pitiful rubbish that throws into stark relief the difference in living standards between comfortable Austria and the lands to the south-east .

  10. 滑雪板、滑雪靴和滑雪服皆有出租。

    Hire of skis , boots and clothing , is all available .

  11. 我们一家去滑雪时,通常租用滑雪设备&滑雪板、滑雪杆和滑雪靴。

    When my family went skiing they often rented the equipment-skis , poles , and boots .