首页 / 词典 / good

  • turn;pull

  • 同"攀"
  • 往下或往里拉:~动。~道岔。

  • 扭转,~回败局。~本(赌博时嬴回输掉的钱)。


(拨动; 拉; 引申为扭转) turn; pull:

  • 扳闸

    pull the switch;

  • 扳枪栓

    pull back the bolt of a rifle;

  • 扳过来

    pull it over;

  • 扳着指头算

    count on one's fingers;

  • 扳成平局

    equalize the score

  1. 把它扳到左边.它集了。

    Turn it to the left . It went off .

  2. 他们为什么还认为能扳回来。

    And how the hell they thought they could turn it around .

  3. 手闸扳上了吗?

    Is the handbrake on ?

  4. 他的手没劲儿,扳不动左轮手枪的扳机。

    His hands were too weak to cock his revolver .

  5. 大肠杆菌和酵母PCR模扳制备的优化

    Optimization of PCR Template Preparation from Escherichia coli and Saccharomyces cerevisiae

  6. 莉顿被目睹到和一些朋友在斯蒂迪奥城(StudioCity)的Pins保龄球馆里玩,还在众人怂恿之下参加了扳手腕,最终败北。

    Leighton was spotted at Pins Bowling Alley with some pals in Studio City , inciting an arm-wrestling throwdown .

  7. 悬浮系在继代培养第4天分离的原生质体植板率最高,在液体培养基中原生质体接种密度以1.5×105个·mL-1最佳,植扳率可达到24.43%。

    The optimum plating density of proto-plasts was 1.5 × 105 / mL with a plating efficiency of 24.43 % in liquid culture .

  8. LTD三睑扳腺分泌物性质异常患者中占有很大的比例。

    LTD occupied a great portion in the patients with abnormal Meibomian secretion , the aqueous tear secretion is normal in LTD.

  9. 像任何健康的,精力充沛的男子一样,JamesLamont喜欢扳手腕。

    Pull ! Like any healthy , red-blooded man , James Lamont loves to arm wrestle .

  10. 方法用ATA-ⅡD型牵引床纵轴牵引加中医正骨手法之一:推拿斜扳复位法。

    Methods ATA -ⅱ D type traction bed and chinese traditional manipulation were applied for treatment .

  11. 那么,世界排名第三的SteveKirlew和来自米尔顿·肯尼斯扳手腕联盟的成员来教他是最好不过的了。

    So who better than World Number 3 Steve Kirlew , and the boys at Milton Keynes Armwrestling Federation to show him the techniques for victory ?

  12. 在麻醉开胸狗,观察了阻断冠脉后血小板数量(PC)和平均血小扳容积(MPV)的变化。

    Changes of platelet count ( PC ) and mean platelet volume ( MPV ) were observed in anesthetized open-chest dogs after coronary occlusion .

  13. 单基扳彩色AC-PDP放电单元的二维数值模拟

    A Two-dimensional Numerical Model for the Discharge Cell of a Single-substrate Color AC-PDP

  14. 在模扳的背面喷金作为催化剂,660C的温度下生长的Ge纳米线是一种多晶结构,同时包含四方晶系和立方晶系,但以四方晶系为主。

    The gold film deposited on the backside of the alumina template was used as catalyst . And the Ge nanowires growing at 660 ℃ were polycrystal composed of tetragonal structure and cubic structure with the dominance of tetragonal structure .

  15. 在这段视频中,VideoJug跟来自米尔顿·肯尼斯扳手腕联盟的世界上最好的扳手腕选手学习一些技巧。

    In this film , VideoJug learns how to armwrestle with some of the best pullers in the world at the Milton Keynes Armwrestling Federation .

  16. 但在临近终场时的一个角球开出之后,松懈的防线给了韦斯利·斯内德(WesleySneijder)机会,他在20码外抽射,皮球越过墨西哥门将吉列尔莫·奥乔亚(GuillermoOchoa),将比分扳成1-1平。

    But loose defending after a late corner kick allowed Wesley Sneijder the freedom to blast a 20-yard shot past Guillermo Ochoa that tied the game at 1-1 .

  17. 请按照“NHSS型钢丝绳手扳葫芦使用维护说明书”使用维护。

    Please operate and maintain the hoist in accordance with the : " peration & Maintenance Manual of NHSS Wire Rope Pulling Hoist " .

  18. 斜扳时完整腰椎三维立体运动的研究

    Study on 3-D movement of whole lumbar spine in rotatory chiropractic

  19. 树小扶直易,树大扳直难。

    A young twig is easier twisted than an old tree .

  20. 试验表明:安全阀的流动特性和孔扳相类似。

    The tests demonstrate fiat the valve acts as an orifice .

  21. 煤气管螺丝板牙和扳手泰式双曲柄管子扳钳

    Gas stocks and dies Thai type pipe wrench with double-curved handle

  22. 黑根扳着面孔说:“保险他会大捞一把。”

    Hagen said gravely ," I 'm sure he will . "

  23. 沉船扳正辅助设计软件模型研究

    Research on the Auxiliary Design Software Model of Righting Sunken Ship

  24. 从那时起,我就象狗虱子一样死扳住魁魁格不放;

    From that hour I clove to Queequeg like a barnacle ;

  25. 起动装置,扳柄:类似扳机的装置。用来使机械装置运作。

    A similar device used to release or activate a mechanism .

  26. 他扳下电闸,所有的灯一下子全亮了。

    Hepressed the switch and all the lights flashed on together .

  27. 扩胸对抗扳法治疗胸椎小关节紊乱症临床观察

    Treatment of thoracic vertebral micro-joint disturbance syndrome with manipulation method

  28. 多点牵引时道岔扳动力计算与分析

    Computation and analysis of the switching power by multipoint traction

  29. 特伦斯和我,然后我们互相扳。

    Terrence and myself , and we 're pushing against each other .

  30. 他稍稍地扳起面孔,两眼显得有些茫然。

    His face hardened slightly and his eyes became blank .