
  1. 500kV南昌变电站系统调试概况

    Testing Situation of 500 kV Substation System in Nanchang

  2. 电能质量的优劣对电网的安全运行起着重要的作用,电能质量监测IED是变电站系统内的重要设备,文中指出了目前电能质量监测装置存在的不兼容问题。

    Quality of electric energy plays an important role in safe operation of power grid , power quality monitoring IED is the important equipment in substation automation system . This paper points out the interoperability problems power of quality monitoring devices in current .

  3. 微机模拟及程控操作软件在变电站系统中的应用

    The application of microcomputer simulating and programming operation software in Substation

  4. 数字化变电站系统结构

    System Architecture of Digitized Substation

  5. 智能变电站系统的探讨

    Discussion on Intelligent Substation System

  6. 该装置能自动跟踪变电站系统的运行方式,执行相应的备自投方案,保证供电持续可靠。

    It follows the operation pattern of substation system automatically and executes corresponding auto-switching scheme to ensure power supply continuous and reliable .

  7. 随着计算机技术以及网络通信技术的发展,许多新技术在变电站系统中开始应用,变电站自动化系统得到了快速的发展。

    As the development of computer technology and network communications technology , lots of new techniques are applied in transformer substation , then the substation automation system is rapidly grown .

  8. 在智能变电站系统中,以处理数据为中心的分布式应用占有非常大的比重,数据通信服务的有效性直接影响着系统功能的实现。

    Distributed applications , which mainly concentrate on data processing , are very important in an intelligent substation system . The efficiency of data communication service directly affects the realization of system functions .

  9. 现有的变电站系统安全分析方法大多数停留在定性分析层面,或者局限于技术分析层面,对实际的安全生产管理指导意义不大。

    The existing majority methods on safety analysis of Substation system remain the qualitative analysis , or the technical analysis . It is of little significance for the guidance of actual safety management .

  10. 变电站自动化系统中嵌入式Web服务器的设计与实现

    Design and implementation of embedded web server in substation automation system

  11. 基于Multi-Agent的分布式变电站监控系统体系结构

    Architecture of multi-agent based distributed monitoring and control system for Substations

  12. 工控组态软件FIX与变电站仿真系统的数据接口

    The Data Interface Between Industrial Control Configuration Software FIX and the Transformer Substation Simulation System

  13. 变电站SCADA系统双服务器无扰动切换算法

    A Dual-server Undisturbed Switching Algorithm for the Substation SCADA System

  14. OPC技术在变电站监控系统通信中的应用

    OPC Technology Apply In Substation Supervisory System Communication

  15. 以太网(Ethernet)应用于变电站自动化系统的过程层总线、厂站总线已经成为新一代变电站自动化系统的发展趋势。

    The trend of new substation automation is that Ethernet will be used for process bus and station bus of substation .

  16. IEC61850在牵引变电站监控系统中的应用

    Application of IEC 61850 on Monitoring System of The Traction Substations

  17. 变电站35kV系统小电阻接地方案研究

    Study on grounding via small resistance of 35 kV system in substation

  18. 这一范围的确定,对验算使用同类PT的各变电站配电系统是否发生PT谐振过电压,如何避开谐振区域,提供了科学依据。

    By this determined range , it can be checked that whether PT resonance will happen and how to avoid the resonance area in distribution system using the same type of PT .

  19. 研究快速以太网在变电站自动化系统中的应用,提出了基于100M以太网的变电站通信网的网络结构。

    Research the application of 100M Ethernet in substation automation system , and provide a new network configuration of substation automation system base on 100M Ethernet .

  20. 500kV变电站仿真系统的研究

    Study on Simulation System for 500 kV Substation

  21. 500kV变电站自动化系统的研究

    Study on 500 kV Substation Automation System

  22. 500kV汕头变电站监控系统

    SCADA system in Shantou 500 kV Substation

  23. 110kV变电站直流系统的配置

    Configuration of the 110 kV Transformer Substation DC System

  24. 220kV总降压变电站33kV系统设备运行分析及改造

    Operation Analysis and Reform of 33 kV System Equipments for 220 kV General Stepdown Substation

  25. 220kV石河子变电站监控系统

    220 kV Shihezi Substation Monitoring System

  26. 提出了采用多媒体RTU,以实现现有变电站自动化系统增加多媒体信息采集与传输功能。

    A scheme for adding the function of multimedia information acquisition and transmission to the existing substation automation system by adopting the multimedia RTU is also proposed .

  27. 介绍了变电站自动化系统中的通讯单元的功能实现和硬软件设计思想。该通讯单元能实现与调度控制中心或就地监控系统的接口功能,满足远动要求,并对CDT远动规约作了简要介绍。

    The functions and hardware and software design of a communication module are described for the comprehensively automatic system of transformer substations , and the CDT communication protocols are given .

  28. 首先,对于变电站SCADA系统的实现目标和数据库处理需求进行分析,并结合数据库的理论基础和特点确定设计目标。

    First , analyzing the goals to achieve for the substation SCADA systems and the demand for database system , combined with the theoretical basis of the database to determine the characteristics of the design goals .

  29. 在研究IEC61850的基础上,给出了一种基于FPGA、DSP以及嵌入式以太网卡的合并单元的设计方案,解决了将电子式互感器应用于变电站自动化系统所面临的接口问题。

    The paper also gives a design of Merging Unit ( MU ) based on FPGA / DSP and Embeded Ethernet Card , which solves the interface problem of applying electronic instrument transformers to substation automation system .

  30. 阐述了国际电工委员会(IEC)对变电站自动化系统(SAS)、远方终端装置(RTU)、智能电子设备(IED)等术语的定义;

    In this paper the definitions on Substation Automation System ( SAS ), Remote Terminal Unit ( RTU ) and Intelligent Electronic Devices ( IED ), etc. , given by IEC are expounded .