
  1. 三点式H桥单元级联多电平高压变频器技术

    Three-level H-Bridge Cascaded High-voltage Multilevel Frequency Converter

  2. 本文综述了高电压大容量变频器技术的发展现状,给出了串联H桥多电平变频器的主回路的拓扑结构和工作原理。

    This dissertation overviews the current development situation of high voltage high power converter , and introduces the topology structure and working principle .

  3. 对SIEMENS变频器技术改造中的网络组态、参数设置、程序编制作了详细介绍。

    It also introduces the network configuration , parameters setting and the relevant programming for the converter from SIEMENS .

  4. 变频器技术及其在煤矿中的应用

    Frequency converter technology and its application in coal mines

  5. 变频器技术在注塑机上的应用

    Application of the transducer in the injection molding machine

  6. 国外高压大容量变频器技术

    The Technology of High-voltage High-capacity Variable-speed Drives Abroad

  7. 根据美国西屋公司和罗宾康公司的相关专利对单元串联式多电平高压变频器技术的起源进行了分析。

    Origination of cell - series multi - level MV drive technology is analyzed basing on the patents of Westinghouse Corp.

  8. 随着高压变频器技术的发展,其晶闸管阀等效负荷试验的应用越来越多。

    In recent years , equivalent test circuit of thyristor valves has a widely application , with the development of HV inverter technology .

  9. 交流变频器技术产业包括所有与变频器技术相关的产业,即驱动保护集成电路的生产电力电子器件的生产工业实际应用、交流电气传动和系统控制技术等。

    Inverter technology industry includes all industries related with inverter technology , namely , the production of power electronic devices and drive protection IC , electrical transmission and system control technology , and other industrial applications .

  10. 文中详细阐述了变频器技术和功能特点,及该技术在煤矿生产中构成的实用电机控制系统,并评述了它的应用前景。

    The authors make a detail description of the frequency converter technology and its functional features as well as the practical motor control system using this technology for the coal mining production , and review its application prospects .

  11. 介绍了板材液压成形技术,以低成本改造普通液压机,使其用于板材液压成形,并详细地阐述了变频器技术在这种改造型液压成形装备中的应用。

    In this paper , sheet metal hydroforming and how to transform general hydraulic press to a new press which can be suit for sheet metal hydroforming is introduced briefly , application of the frequency-converter in the hydraulic press suit for hydroforming is introduced mainly .

  12. 中压变频器主流技术发展动态

    Developing Dynamic of the Main Technique of Frequency Converters for Medium Voltage

  13. 中压变频器发展技术与方向综述

    Development Technology and Develop ment Trend Review of Medium Voltage Frequency Converters

  14. 对级联型高压变频器容错技术的研究

    Research on Fault-tolerant Techniques of Cascaded High Voltage Inverter

  15. 变频器应用技术中的抗干扰对策的研究

    The Research of the Approach to Anti-interference for the Apply of the Inverter

  16. 变频器调频技术的应用

    Application of Frequency Converter Frequency Modulated Technique

  17. 概述变频调速控制的基本原理,讨论变频器控制技术在高速卷烟机组供纸系统中的应用。

    The basic principle of the paper feeding is introduced with inverter drive 's control system .

  18. 在线检测设备串行通信和变频器控制技术方法的研究;

    The study of serial communication and the development of the transducer control module in the on-line test system ;

  19. 应用变频器控制技术,使液压定量泵实现变量功能。在此变量原理的基础上设计了一个由变频器控制的复合变量泵。

    Based on the frequency convert technology , by using hydraulic constant volume pump to control flux , a kind of complex variable-displacement pump was designed , which is controlled by an AC converter .

  20. 本文叙述广钢转炉厂连铸剪切机为何要使用变频器进行技术改造和变频器的工作原理等,并对连铸剪切机在使用变频器后的实际效益进行了估算。

    This article dissertate GIS 's converter plant cut machine of continuous cast what for make use of transducer to technical change and work principium of transducer etc , The practice benefits of cut machine of continuous cast after make used of transducer are calculated .

  21. 主要介绍了矿山车间起重机可采用变频器调速技术改造短接电阻调速方式,用以提高起重机的性能,对改造环节、可行性作了重点说明。

    The paper mainly introduces the transducer velocity regulation technique is applied to innovate the short-circuit resistance regulation method of the crane in the mine workshop , so as to improve the performance of the crane . It also gives key introduction to the innovation segment and feasibility .

  22. 近年来,随着稀土永磁材料、电力电子器件、微处理器、变频器设计技术和控制理论的飞速发展,永磁同步电机在中、低容量的运动控制中得到了广泛应用。

    In recent years , advances in rare-earth permanent magnetic material , semi - conductor , power devices , micro-processor , converter design technique and control theory have made permanent magnet synchronous motor ( PMSM ) drives play a vital role in motion-control applications in the low-to-medium power range .

  23. 基于变频器和PLC技术的西北地区农村提灌系统节能改造

    Based on Inverter and PLC Technical of Northwest Region Village Lift to Infuse Reformation Project of System Economy Energy

  24. 利用PLC、人机界面、变频器通讯等技术实现自动缫丝机的自动控制和数据传输,整机具有良好的可靠性和优越性。

    With such techniques as PLC , man-machine interface and converter communication , the automatic control and data transmission in automatic silk reeling machine can be realized . And the whole machine has good reliability and superiority .

  25. 其中主要阐述了西门子公司PLCS7-300的特点,变频器的应用技术,无线局域网技术和工业以太网技术。

    Among them it has explained the characteristic of Siemens Company 's PLC S7-300 , the application technology of the frequency converter mainly , technology of the wireless LAN and technology of the industrial Ethernet .

  26. 本系统引人了可编程逻辑器控制、变频器控制等技术。

    This system introduces a programmable logic device control , inverter control technology .

  27. 主要介绍变频器的调速技术及使用变频器的优越性。

    The paper mainly introduces the technology of adjusting speed of convertor and its superiority .

  28. 可编程数字下变频器的关键技术

    Key Techniques in Programmable Digital Down Converter

  29. 矢量控制型变频器综合应用技术研究

    Study on Comprehensive Application of Vector Inverters

  30. 浅析通用变频器的工程技术要点

    Technology Points of General Purpose Inverter