
  • 网络Transformer winding
  1. VFTO下变压器绕组的EMTP模型

    High-frequency EMTP Model of Transformer Windings

  2. 基于PSpice的电力变压器绕组中暂态电压分布的仿真计算

    PSpice-based Simulating Calculation of Transient Voltage Distribution in the Power Transformer Windings

  3. 第四章提出一种新型单级PFC变换器,采用变压器绕组以负反馈的方式抑制储能电容电压。

    Chapter four proposes a novel single-stage forward PFC converter .

  4. 该方法可以为运行中的Scott变压器绕组提供准确的监测信息。

    The method can provide veracious information of monitoring for on line operation of Scott transformer winding .

  5. 其中,第三章针对变压器绕组的等效模型(链型网络),利用PSPICE软件对其进行仿真试验。

    In the third chapter , the equivalent model of the winding is simulated using PSPICE .

  6. 变压器绕组变形诊断新技术&频响(FRA)法

    A New Technology for Diagnosing Transformer Windings Deformation & FRA

  7. 变压器绕组纵绝缘连续式绕组分段并联MOV保护

    The Development of the Protection for the Longitudinal Insulation of Transformer Windings

  8. 用MOV作变压器绕组内保护的试验研究

    The Experimental Research of Transformer 's Inner Protection with MOV

  9. 利用时域有限差分(FDTD)法对变压器绕组的暂态电压分布进行了数值计算,并与传统的广义特征值和特征向量计算方法进行了比较。

    The over-voltages in winding are solved by using finite different time domain ( FDTD ) method . Comparison between MTL and traditional method are given .

  10. 文章详细介绍了BP神经网络模型和算法,建立了变压器绕组温度预测和人工神经元网络BP模型,并验证了其可行性和优越性。

    This paper is detailed to introduce the BP Artificial Neural Network model and algorithm , establishing BP Artificial Neural Network predicting model of transformer coil temperature rising , and verify its possibility and advantage .

  11. VFTO作用下变压器绕组的谐振分析

    Analysis of Resonance in Transformer Windings Under Very Fast Transient Overvoltages

  12. 同时也介绍了变压器绕组变形测试仪的通信模块的设计,说明了USB(通用串行总线)通信原理,协议特点,以及DMA通信方式。

    It also explains the principles of USB ( Universal Serial Bus ) communication , the characteristics of its protocol and the DMA ( Direct Memory Access ) communication method .

  13. 通过改变CVT中压变压器绕组的布置方式,可降低其直流电阻,从而改善负载误差特性。

    Through a reasonable winding arrangement of CVT , the DC resistance can be reduced largely , hence the on load error characteristic can be improved .

  14. VFTO作用下变压器绕组中波过程及谐振研究

    Study on Wave Process and Resonance of Transformer Windings under Very Fast Transient Overvoltages

  15. 本文在分析LR电路过渡过程的基础上,讨论了以特定激励源实现变压器绕组电阻零时间常数测量的方法。

    On basis of LR circuit transition process analysis , the paper describes measuring method of zero time factor for transformer wire-wound resistor with specific exciting supply .

  16. 绝缘纸厚度的改变对FDS复电容曲线影响显著,由此可反映变压器绕组变形或烧毁等状态。

    The thickness-altering of insulating paper layers exert a greater impact on the complex capacitance , thus may reflect the winding deformation or burning state of transformer .

  17. VFTO下变压器绕组电位分布计算软件的研究与开发

    Research and Development on Computer Program for the Calculation to Voltage Distributions of Transformer Windings under Very Fast Transient Overvoltages

  18. 通过建立变压器绕组等效电路和树状放电生成电路,模拟了在绕组不同部位处发生树状放电时的情况,并在软件实现部分首次将BP网络引入到树状放电的识别中。

    Through the construction of equivalent circuit for transformer windings and tree discharge generation circuit , tree discharges happened at different winding sections are simulated . For the purpose of tree discharge recognition , BP network is introduced for the first time in the software part .

  19. 首先,以Saber为工具,建立了变压器绕组及其所联网络和设备的暂态模型,研究了局部放电信号在其中传播的频率特性。

    Firstly , with software Saber , it sets up the transient models of transformer windings and bus-connected networks and studies the propagation of PD signals in the system .

  20. 本文介绍了变压器绕组波过程的研究情况,基于Matlab编写了电力变压器绕组波过程计算程序,通过实例计算验证变压器绕组电位及其梯度分布,计算绝缘裕度找出绝缘薄弱点。

    This article describes the process of transformer winding wave case , write the Matlab-based wave power transformer winding course of the calculation process , an example calculation and verify potential gradient distribution transformer windings , the insulation margin calculation to find the weak point of insulation .

  21. 其次,对得到的有理函数形式的传递函数利用多点Pade逼近进行阶数缩减,得到变压器绕组电压传递函数的降阶模型;

    Secondly , the voltage transfer functions are fitted with rational functions by vector fitting and then the rational transfer functions are order-reduced by multipoint Pade approximation .

  22. 特快速暂态过电压(VFTO)是由气体绝缘变电站开关操作产生的一种陡波前过电压,它的直接入侵会对变压器绕组的纵绝缘造成极大危害。

    Very Fast Transient Overvoltage ( VFTO ) is a kind of switching impulse overvoltage with very steep front caused by the switching operation in Gas Insulated Substation .

  23. 检测变压器绕组变形的方法,国际上较早提出的是低压脉冲法(LVI),其后有频率响应分析法(FRA)。

    There are two methods of detecting the winding deformation faults in power transformer , the Low Voltage Impulse method ( LVI ) and the Frequency Response Analysis method ( FRA ) .

  24. 将变压器绕组的漏磁场简化成二维磁场,得到其解析解,采用机电耦合系统的Lagrange方程,分析得到变压器绕组机电耦合的非线性振动方程,以及简化的耦合振动方程。

    The transformer leakage magnetic field is simplified to a 2-dimensional magnetic field , and analytic formulation of the transformer leakage field is obtained . Base on the Lagrange equation of electromechanical coupled system , the nonlinear and simplified linear electromechanical coupled axial vibration equations of windings are obtained .

  25. 目前,监测变压器绕组变形的方法主要有低压脉冲分析法(LVI),频率响应分析法(FRA)和阻抗分析法。

    The low voltage impulse method , frequency response analysis method and short-circuit reactance method , which can be used to measure and diagnose the deformation of power transformer winding , are introduced in the paper .

  26. 取得的主要成果有:利用Saber仿真软件,基于局部放电脉冲电流法,建立了电力变压器绕组、电力变压器及其外联网络和在线检测系统的暂态模型。

    The main results are obtained as following : Utilizing simulation software Saber , based on PD pulse current method , the transient models are established for power transformer windings , power transformer and its external network , and on-line detection system .

  27. 研究了基于矢量电位T的三维有限元法及源电流的T0表示方法,根据变压器绕组的特点,提出一种计算变压器绕组区T0的简单方法,并用于一台电力变压器漏磁场的计算。

    The method of expressing source current by T_0 is also studied . By taking features of transformer windings , a simple method to compute T_0 in transformer winding regions is given . The method is used in calculating leakage field of a power transformer .

  28. 随着电力技术的发展,MOV被应用于变压器绕组内部和超导电力系统中,MOV的工作介质为变压器油和液氮。

    With the development of electric technology , MOV will be used in inner protection of transformer windings , and superconducting power systems . In this paper , MOV is tested in the dielectrics of air , transformer oil , and liquid nitrogen ( 77 K ), respectively .

  29. 变压器绕组轴向预紧力对绕组轴向振动特性的影响

    Influence of axial precompression level on axial vibrations in transformer windings

  30. 电力变压器绕组股间短路的试验判定法

    Test Judgement Method of Strand-to-Strand Short Circuit in Power Transformer Windings