
  • 网络basic treatment
  1. 急性乙肝只给与基本治疗,待其自愈。

    Acute hepatitis B need only basic treatment , waiting for self-recovery .

  2. 目前其基本治疗策略是以化疗为主的化、放疗结合的综合治疗。

    At present , the basic treatment strategies based on chemotherapy , and radiotherapy combined with comprehensive treatment .

  3. 结论围手术期的基本治疗及并发症的预防是ASP治疗成功的关键,重视早期ASP的非手术治疗。

    Conclusion We emphasized that non-operative therapy for ASP during the early phase , basis therapy and preventing complication are the key factors for successful therapy .

  4. 放化综合治疗是局部晚期非小细胞肺癌(NSCLC)的基本治疗策略。

    Combination of chemotherapy and radiotherapy is foundational treatment approach for locally advanced non-small cell lung cancer ( NSCLC ) patients .

  5. 12月1日出版的《公共科学图书馆·医学》杂志的一篇文章说,诊断和治疗巨细胞病毒(CMV)视网膜炎必须成为发展中国家艾滋病病毒基本治疗的一部分。

    Diagnosis and treatment of cytomegalovirus ( CMV ) retinitis must become part of HIV primary care in developing countries , says an article published in PLoS Medicine this week ( 1 December ) .

  6. 根管治疗是牙髓病和根尖周病公认的基本治疗方法,而根管预备是根管治疗的关键环节。

    The root canal treatment is a worldly acknowledged iatrotechnics in endodontic therapy .

  7. 内科保守治疗为主,适时终止妊娠,外科介入为基本治疗原则;

    Conservative medical therapy , timely termination of pregnancy and surgical intervention are basic treatments .

  8. 每增加一名进行干预治疗的病人,所多花费的基本治疗费用为132英镑。

    The basic cost per additional patient so treated was calculated to be132 pounds sterling .

  9. 结论:急诊药物治疗是所有急性主动脉夹层病人的基本治疗。

    Conclusion : The emergent pharmacotherapy is essential to all patients with acute aortic dissection .

  10. 顺铂联合氟尿嘧啶仍是晚期食管痛的基本治疗方案;

    Cisplatin in combination with fluorouracil still is considered as the basic therapeutic scheme for advanced esophageal cancer .

  11. 因为卵巢肿瘤不易早期发现,所以手术辅以化疗是中晚期患者基本治疗方法。

    Because early finding of ovarian tumors is very difficult , operation supplemented with chemotherapy is the basic treatment method .

  12. 控制性氧疗是Ⅱ型呼衰患者的基本治疗措施之一。

    Background : Controlled oxygen therapy is one of the basic interventions for patients with type II respiratory failure ( RFII ) .

  13. 上肾段及输尿管切除或囊肿切除加输尿管膀胱再吻合术方法简单,效果良好,是基本治疗手段之一。

    Upper pole partial nephroureterectomy or excision of the ureterocele with reimplantation of the ureter is one of the major methods for treatment .

  14. 26例相同病情的患者为对照组,基本治疗方法相同而行经鼻或面罩吸氧。

    26 MI patients of the control group were treated with same treatment except for inhaling O 2 through nose or face mask .

  15. 阿蕙患上的「精神分裂及抑郁」病,是属于重性精神病之一,必须以药物作基本治疗。

    The schizophrenia and depression that Ah-Wai suffers from is a kind of acute mental illness , which requires medication as the basic treatment .

  16. 如此基本治疗与专项治疗相结合,能够充分照顾到患者的具体病情,因而在实践中取得了较好的疗效。

    Basic treatment and special treatment that combined will give consideration to the patient situation , and thus in practice to achieve a better effect .

  17. 手术是本病的基本治疗措施,可根据肿瘤的范围、周围器官受累情况选择手术范围。

    Radical surgery appears to offer the best chance and different approaches can be selected according to tumor stage and invasive condition of the circumambient organ .

  18. 支气管哮喘是一种常见的慢性气道炎症性疾病,气道炎症和气道重塑是支气管哮喘的两个主要病理学特征,抗炎及抗气道重塑治疗是哮喘的基本治疗方法。

    Asthma is a common chronic inflammatory disease , characterized by airway inflammation and airways remodeling , anti-inflammatory and anti-airway remodeling therapy are the two basic treatments .

  19. 现有证据表明,如果人们遵守了某些基本治疗标准,因手术导致的并发症和死亡有一半以上是可以得到避免的。

    The available evidence suggests that as many as half of the complications and deaths arising from surgery could be avoided if certain basic standards of care were followed .

  20. 目前多数中医学者认为瘀血阻滞是其主要的病因病机,活血化瘀为其基本治疗大法。

    Currently most Chinese scholars think that blood stasis block is the main cause of the disease , for activating blood circulation and eliminating stasis its basic treatment method .

  21. 现代医学对于急性肺损伤/急性呼吸窘迫综合征的根本发病机制还远未澄清,虽然已形成基本治疗方案,但是并未明显降低本病的死亡率。

    The underlying pathogenesis of ARDS is still not clear , Although modern medicine has made some basic treatment plans , but did not significantly reduced ALI / ARDS disease mortality .

  22. 虽然手术切除、放射治疗以及化学药物治疗仍然是这一恶性肿瘤的基本治疗方案,但非小细胞肺癌对化疗药物的敏感性是很低的,故抗肿瘤药物的治疗效果差。

    Chemotherapy in addition to surgical resection and radiotherapy remains a basic strategy for treatment of malignant tumor . Unfortunately , it has been showed that NSCLC only has a limited sensitivity to chemotherapeutic drugs .

  23. 治则治法方面,提出疏肝、健脾、和胃、通降为本病的基本治疗大法,应贯穿病程始终。

    Law governing the treatment proposed liver , spleen , and stomach , down to the basic rule of law through the basic treatment of disease Dafa , throughout the course of the disease should always be .

  24. 发生致命性肺栓塞时,溶栓治疗相对禁忌,抗凝溶栓治疗能迅速纠正右心功能衰竭和血流动力学异常,为降低胃癌术后肺栓塞死亡率的基本治疗。

    Thrombolytic therapy is relatively contraindicated to fatal pulmonary embolism . Heart failure could be rapidly ameliorated by the treatment of thrombolysis plus anticoagulation , and it could be considered as the basic treatment of PE after gastric cancer surgery .

  25. 目的客观评价以痛泻要方为基本方治疗肠易激综合征(IBS)随机对照试验的报告质量。

    Objective To evaluate the quality of reports on randomized controlled trials in treatment of irritable bowel syndrome ( IBS ) with Tong Xie Yao Fang ( Important Formula for Painful Diarrhea ) .

  26. 方法通过对10年来我国AMI中医证候学研究方面文献资料的回顾性总结,重点对中医证候研究、辨证治疗研究、基本方治疗研究等三个方面加以分析。

    Methods : To make a retrospective study of syndromes of AMI of TCM in 10 years in China , and mainly analyze three facets : the study of Syndromes of TCM , of Differentiation and Herbal Management , and of Basic Prescription .

  27. 方法:1.文献研究:在中国学术期刊全文数据库(CNKI)上检索与焦虑症中医证候相关的文献,将所纳入的文献分为中医证候相关文献和基本方治疗文献两类。

    Literature research : To searching the Climate-related literature of the retrieve anxiety disorders of TCM in National Knowledge Infrastructure ( CNKI ) . The included in the literature is divided into two types : TCM syndromes related literature and Treatment of the literature .

  28. 对照组采用基本对症治疗20天。

    And the control group with basic expectant treatment for 20 days .

  29. 急救和基本外科治疗全球行动;

    The Global Initiative for Emergency and Essential Surgical Care ;

  30. 调整饮食结构是最基本的治疗方案。

    The basic treatment of fatty liver is regular diet .