
  • 网络Volume load;Volume overload;volume overloading;Fluid overload
  1. 依那普利对容量负荷左室N-ras原癌基因表达的影响

    Effect of Enalapril on protooncogene expression of left ventricle in model of volume overload

  2. 目的:采用应力及应变率成像(SRI)技术定量评价不同容量负荷状态下左室心肌收缩性能的变化规律,为临床合理选择手术适应证提供客观依据。

    Objective : The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of volume overload on left ventricular myocardial contractility using strain and strain rate imaging .

  3. 负荷过重的心脏,可能承担额外的压力负荷或容量负荷。

    The overburdened heart may be carrying an extra pressure or volume load .

  4. 容量负荷性肥厚心肌中血管紧张素Ⅱ-1型受体mRNA表达的动态变化

    Dynamic changes of angiotensin ⅱ type-1 receptor mRNA expression in volume-overloaded ventricular hypertrophy

  5. 方法开放移植肾血流前以患者BP和CVP为标准,预充以胶体溶液为主的容量负荷。

    Methods Major standardization of priming solution volume load by observation of NIBP and CVP before blood supply to new kidney .

  6. 方法应用放射免疫方法观察在容量负荷后不同时间点大鼠心肌中cAMP、cGMP的变化以及在慢性容量超负荷基础上给予急性容量负荷时cAMP、cGMP对机械信号刺激的应答反应。

    Methods The time of cAMP and cGMP content on the model of rat cardiac volume overload hypertrophy were examined by RIA study .

  7. 结论肾移植开放肾血流前,适当的预先补充以胶体溶液为主的容量负荷,能保证围术期BP和CVP的维持与稳定。

    Conclusion Major properly priming colloidal solution volume load before blood supply to new kidney could ensure maintenance and stabilization of BP and CVP during kidney transplantation .

  8. 结论:血浆cGMP水平能敏感地反映容量负荷状态,可作为评估干体重的重要指标;

    Conclusions ① The plasma cGMP level can sensitively reflect the hydration state and is a reliable marker for dry body weight estimation .

  9. ASD患者长期左向右分流可导致右心容量负荷过重、肺动脉高压、充血性心力衰竭及房性心律失常。

    Long-term left to right shunt in ASD leads to the development of right heart volume overload , secondary pulmonary hypertension , congestive heart failure and atrial arrhythmias .

  10. 结论:HSD在烧伤休克延迟复苏中能发挥其容量负荷小,扩容效果好及改善心肌功能等特点。

    Conclusion : HSD can expand plasma volume significantly with small volume solution and cardiac function is improved during delayed resuscitation of burn shock .

  11. 造成大鼠不同范围的心肌梗塞(MI)后,动态观察不同时期的静息和容量负荷状态下泵功能恢复的规律及其代偿机制。

    The characteristics of the recovery of cardiac pump function at rest and volume loading ( VL ) states , as well as its compensatory mechanisms were serially observed after myocardial infarction varying in size was produced in rats .

  12. [方法]对115例CAPD病人运用协议护理实行限制水盐摄入教育治疗3个月,统计并分析协议护理前后CAPD病人的容量负荷指标。

    Method : A total of 115 CAPD patients were provided negotiated nursing care on sodium and water intake restriction education for three months . Then the volume load indexes of all patients were analyzed .

  13. 近年来,作为心室压力及容量负荷增加反应所产生的心脏神经激素&脑钠肽(BNP),很多学者对其与各种心脏病的关系进行了大量研究。

    In recent years , a lot of researches have been made on the relation between cardiac diseases and cardiac neurohormone & brain natriuretic peptide ( BNP ), which is comes from the increase load of ventricular pressure and volume .

  14. ASD封堵术后右心容量负荷明显减少,左室容积及内径增大、左室收缩功能增强;

    During the follow-up , no serious complication was found . ② After transcatheter closure , the preload of right heart significantly decreased , while the volume and diameter of left ventricle increased and left ventricular systolic function improved .

  15. [结论]运用协议护理可以明显减轻CAPD病人的容量负荷,降低血压,减少降压药物的使用,并预防由于容量负荷引起的心血管并发症。

    Conclusion : It showed that negotiated care could lessen the volume load of CAPD patients , lower their blood pressure , reduce the use of hypotensive drugs and prevent volume load induced cardiovascular complications of CAPD patients .

  16. 26例容量负荷前PWP正常的卧位型心绞痛者,负荷后PWP明显升高≥18mmHg。

    In 6 cases with noctural angina , PWP was normal before volume load . But after volume lead , the PWP was increased ≥ 18 mmHg .

  17. 容量负荷试验阳性者,容量负荷后即刻肺毛血管楔嵌压(PCWP)升高,心脏指数(CI)降低,分别达到极值,60min恢复至基础水平。

    The pulmonary capillary wedge pressure of positive patients rose , at the same time cardiac index fell to the extreme instantaneously after loading in volume-loading test and then they restored to the basic level until 60 minutes .

  18. 糖尿病与非糖尿病腹膜透析患者容量负荷状况比较

    Comparison of fluid status in diabetic and non-diabetic peritoneal dialysis patients

  19. 大容量负荷模型左心室形态与功能变化规律

    Left ventricular morphosis and function of dog model with volume overload

  20. 协议护理对腹膜透析病人容量负荷的影响

    Influence of negotiated care on volume load of patients undergoing peritoneal dialysis

  21. 右心室容量负荷增加时,室间隔运动异常可以分为三型。

    Abnormal septal movements can be classified into three types .

  22. 3种方法测量心脏容量负荷与血流动力学的比较研究

    Comparative study on three approaches in measuring cardiac volume load and hemodynamic parameters

  23. 容量负荷和压力负荷型心脏肥大大鼠模型的建立及评价

    Development and evaluation for volume overload-induced and pressure overload-induced cardiac hypertrophy in rats

  24. 水盐限制对糖尿病腹膜透析患者容量负荷状况的影响

    Effect of salt and water restriction on fluid status in diabetic peritoneal dialysis patients

  25. 犬心右室、左室大面积梗塞时的容量负荷评价

    Volume loading experiment in dogs with large area infarction of right and left ventricles

  26. 左向右分流容量负荷过重大鼠血红素氧化酶的表达及氯沙坦对其的影响

    Effects of Losartan on Expression of Heme Oxygenases in Volume-overloaded Rats with Left-to-right Shunt

  27. 肾移植术中心脏容量负荷变化与移植肾急性肾小管坏死的关系

    Relationship between cardiac volume load during operation and acute tubular necrosis of transplanted kidney

  28. 右心容量负荷对小儿右心长轴局部心肌应变和应变率的影响

    Effects of Volume Overload on Right Ventricular Longitudinal Strain and Strain Rate in Children

  29. 分流量大者可出现左室容量负荷过重,左房、左室扩大。

    High level shunt may lead to over-load volume , subsequently the expansion of left ventricle .

  30. 目的探讨超容量负荷联合压力负荷建立家兔心衰模型的可行性。

    Objective To establish animal model of heart failure induced by volume plus pressure overload in rabbits .