
  • 网络party theories
  1. 马克思、恩格斯创立了马克思主义政党学说,奠定了马克思主义政党学说的理论基础。

    They create the Marxist Party Theory , which settled its theoretical background .

  2. 论马克思主义政党学说与时俱进的理论品格

    On the theoretical character of keeping in step with the times of Marxist theory on political party

  3. 马克思主义政党学说与实践发展历程的经验启示我们:必须着重从思想上建党,保持思想统一;

    The theory of Marxist political party and its practice experience in the development process tell us : we must focus on building the Party ideologically to keep the unification of thinking ;

  4. 对阶级、阶层的分析,是马克思主义阶级、政党学说的基础,是无产阶级政党制定路线、方针、政策的依据。

    The analysis of the class and social stratum is the foundation of Marxist class and political party theory and the basis for the proletariat to set up its line , guiding principle and policy .

  5. 列宁是马克思主义的坚定信仰者,其党建思想中也吸收了马克思主义政党学说,为以后创建俄国新型无产阶级政党和形成自身的党建思想体系夯实了理论基础。

    Lenin is their faithful believer and his Party Construction Theory also absorbs certain content of Marxist Party Theory . As a result , his Party construction theory is the basis of Russian Party construction for Russian proletariats .

  6. 西方列宁学所谓列宁以知识分子取代无产阶级或者以党取代无产阶级的说法是对列宁新型无产阶级政党学说的歪曲。

    The argument by the " Western Leni-nology " that Lenin displaces the proletariat with the " intellectuals " or the displacement of the proletariat by the " Party " is a distortion of Lenins theory of modern proletarian political parties .

  7. 马克思、格斯创立了关于无产阶级政党建设的学说。

    Marx and Engels set forth the theory of Party-building .