
yōng yán
  • a trite remark
庸言[yōng yán]
  1. 《庸言》杂志是民国初期梁启超创办的较有影响的以政论为主的刊物。

    " Yong Yan Magazine " founded by Liangqichao in the early which is based on the political commentary is one of the most influential publications .

  2. 本论文是以梁启超所创办的《庸言》为研究对象,介绍其杂志创办的历史背景和创办过程,对《庸言》做全面的栏目梳理及版面分析。

    This paper is based on Liang Qichao the founder of the " Justice " as the research object , introduces its magazine founded the historical background and its process , to comprehensive column comb and layout analysis .