
  1. 冠状动脉介入治疗(PCI)术后的止血方法经历了从传统到现代,从徒手止血到生物医学止血方法的演变。

    From tradition to modern , Hemostasis following PCI evolved from compression to biomedicine .

  2. 科学社会主义从传统到现代的发展

    The Development of Scientific Socialism from Tradition Form to Modern One

  3. 从传统到现代:企业成本管理的变革

    From the Traditional to the Modern : Alternation of Enterprise Cost Management

  4. 从传统到现代&浅析屏风在室内环境中的应用

    From Traditional to Modern , The Application of Screen in Interior Design

  5. 从传统到现代&中国农民政治心理的演进

    From Tradition to Modernization : Gradual Progress of Chinese Peasant Political Psychology

  6. 从传统到现代&戴望舒诗歌观察

    From the Traditional to Modern & Daiwangshu Poetry Observation

  7. 从传统到现代&论白描的线

    From the Tradition to the Modern & The Line of Chinese Baimiao Painting

  8. 藏书建设:从传统到现代

    On the Book Collection of Libraries : From Traditional Method to Modern Approach

  9. 从传统到现代:中国钧瓷史的社会学叙述(一)

    From traditional to modern : a sociological narration of China Jun porcelain history (ⅰ)

  10. 从传统到现代&任侠黑帮电影中的日本文化精神

    From Tradition and Modernism : & the Japanese National Culture Spirit in Ninkyo Yakuza Movie

  11. 从传统到现代的二重性&论王韬的文言小说

    Dual Character from Tradition to Modern Times & About Wang Tao 's Classical Chinese Novel

  12. 管理实现了从传统到现代的转变;

    Shift from traditional to modern management ;

  13. 从传统到现代的大学英语教学改革之路

    A Road to the Innovation of College English Teaching from the Traditional to the Modern

  14. 其论题是从传统到现代是中国判决理由发展的必由之路。

    From tradition to modern is the only way for reasons of judgment in China .

  15. 数字时代的图书馆&从传统到现代的转变

    The Library in the Digital Age & The Transformation from the Traditional to the Modern

  16. 从传统到现代,游戏共同体的瓦解导致了传统玩具价值的衰落。

    The disintegration of the play 's community results in the value decline of traditional toys .

  17. 其译诗与创作实现了中国诗歌从传统到现代的转变。

    His poetry translation and creation has realized the change from traditional poem to modern one .

  18. 试论民国时期水利事业从传统到现代的转变

    Transition from Traditional to Modern in Water Conservancy During the Period of the Republic of China

  19. 总的来说,走出二元组织结构有赖于社会从传统到现代的转型。

    Getting rid of dual structure depends on social transformation from traditional society to modern one .

  20. 从传统到现代:妇女体育权的发展历程及其反思

    From Tradition to Modern : the Course of Development and Its Reconsidering on Women 's Sports Right

  21. 从传统到现代的跨越&社会转型期中贵州戏剧的演变发展

    Spanning from the Tradition to Modern & On the development of Guizhou dramas in the social transition period

  22. 文献信息资源共享的模式经历了从传统到现代的转变。本文对网络环境下文献信息资源共享的模式和观念进行了探讨和分析。

    This paper discusses and analyses the model and idea of document resources sharing under the network environment .

  23. 从传统到现代&保罗·塞尚与西方艺术观念的转型

    From the Traditional to the Modern & Paul · Cezanne and the Transformation of the Western Art Concept

  24. 从传统到现代从救急到保障&浙江省乡村社会保障事业60年

    From Tradition to Modernness , from First-aid to Security & 60 Years for the Rural Social Security in Zhejiang Province

  25. “追溯式”是戏剧创作的一种手法,经历了一个从传统到现代的历史演变过程。

    As a technique of drama creation , the tracing type has experienced a history of evolution from tradition to modernity .

  26. 从传统到现代:性法律理念的更新与调整方式的转换

    From Tradition to Modern : the Updating of Legislative Ideas of Sex and the Changing in Adjusting Mode of Law about Sex

  27. 也就是必须在从传统到现代这一线索中寻求认识中国社会特性的理路。

    In another word , we can found the social characteristic of china with the help of the clues from tradition to modern this .

  28. 公共行政从传统到现代的递嬗,也是公平价值不断嵌入与光大的过程。

    The development of public administration form the tradition to the modern is also the process of continuously embedding and promoting the impartiality orientation .

  29. 对告知义务人违反告知义务的救济方式经历了从传统到现代的转变,总体上趋于合理、公正。

    The remedies for the breach of disclosure duty experience change from traditional to modern pattern , which tends to be more reasonable and fair .

  30. 其次,自由心证的产生是社会发展的结果,在其产生之后也经历了从传统到现代的发展变化。

    Secondly , the evidence is the result of social development as a result , in its later has risen from traditional to the modern development .