
  1. 但重点是我们一年前是从零起步。

    But that was from zero percent just a year ago .

  2. 手把手式的教材,图文并茂,适合任何新手从零起步。

    Hands-on type of materials , illustrations , suitable for any novice from scratch .

  3. 从零起步的增长是规模惊人的。

    Growth over zero was tremendous .

  4. 联邦储备无处靠近几乎从零起步并在增长中的政策比率(某专有名词??),这一点也显得更为明确。

    It is ever clearer that the Federal Reserve is nowhere near increasing policy rates from near-zero .

  5. 非洲医学院校研究报告指出,非洲国家并不是从零起步。

    As the study of African medical schools tells us , African nations are not starting from scratch .

  6. 夜生活在1949年以后的中国几乎绝迹,直到我们去旅游的那年也才从零起步。相较于作为改革试点的沿海大城市,内陆小城市在这方面就更为滞后。

    Post-1949 China was just emerging from the zero-based nightlife era , and smaller inland cities still lagged behind larger coastal cities on the experimentation curve .

  7. 20世纪80年代初,我国东西部非公有制经济几乎同时从零起步,东部非公有制经济的快速增长,带来了当地经济质的飞跃。

    In 1980s , our eastern and western nonpublic economy almost started from nothing , the development of eastern nonpublic economy lead to the over-striding great development of the local economy .

  8. 江苏省自改革开放以来,利用外资从零起步,快速发展,取得了长足的进步,外商直接投资已逐渐成为江苏省发展经济的重要手段。

    Since the reform and opening up , Jiangsu Province has used large numbers of foreign direct investments . And foreign direct investment has played an important role in economic development in Jiangsu Province .

  9. 自改革开放以来,我国铝型材行业从零起步到赶日超美,一跃而成为全球铝型材生产最大的国家。

    Since the reform and opening policy , the aluminum industry of our country has started from scratch to catch up with Japan and surpass the United States , and our country has become the largest country of aluminum production in the world .

  10. 中国展览业从零起步,它以年均20%的增长速度迅速成长,并在短短20余年中成长为一个新兴产业,北京、上海、广州成为中国展览三大中心城市。

    China 's exhibition industry started on the zero base and has grown at 20 % rate annually and now has become a very new industry in the past 20 years . Beijing , Shanghai and Guangzhou have become major three center cities in China 's exhibition industry .

  11. 软件产业自二十世纪中叶从零开始起步,在短短六十年的时间里迅速发展成为人类社会支柱产业之一,并在二十一世纪扮演着越来越重要的角色。

    Since the middle of twentieth century , software industry has been started on develop , and quickly became one of the leading industries of human society at the 60 years and played an increasing important role in twenty-first century .