
  1. 当你回首你的生涯,你会怎么总结你从开始到现在所达到的成就,你觉得你的生涯超过了你刚进入NBA时的期望吗?

    When you look at your career , how would you summarize your accomplishments to this point and has your career turned out better than you would have thought it would on your first day in the NBA ?

  2. 从开始到现在,它第一次稳稳当当地一次没动。

    For once the bird was perfectly still and steady .

  3. 从头到尾,从开始到现在。

    From first to last , start to finish .

  4. 公司信息化从开始到现在经历了三个时期。

    From the beginning to now , information technology has gone through three periods .

  5. 从开始到现在,模糊控制一直是一个充满争议的领域。

    Since its beginning , fuzzy control system has been a field filled with disputation .

  6. 我想,其实我从未遗忘过,在我的心里,从开始到现在的距离,你和我的相遇。

    When I miss you , touching moments , let me miss you , love , actually is all around , as they always do .

  7. 可以说,并没有失败者,从开始到现在,他们一起走过,聚集雅典。

    Can say do not have a loser , secondary together beginning has arrived at now , Athens had leaked from they together , have gathered .

  8. 在地质领域,一个矿山的数据从开始到现在,经过几代人的不断积累,地质资料数据(包括文献资料、图件、工程数据)已经达到一个庞大的量。

    In the domain of geology , one mine 's geologic data ( including literature , chart and engineering data ) have an enormous amount by the accumulating of several generation from begining to now .

  9. RB:从开始动手到现在,你个人如何评价已有的进展程度?

    RB : How to you personally feel about the current progress of the project from when you first started to what you know now ?

  10. IggyAzalea来自澳大利亚的一个小镇里,她从开始发展到现在一路过关斩将,经历了很多。

    And Iggy Azalea has come a long way from her humble beginnings in small town country Australia .

  11. 隔离开始之后,在士兵和试图冲破隔离区的民众之间发生的一次冲突中,15岁的西点男孩萨克·卡马拉(ShakieKamara)遭枪击身亡。总统约翰逊·瑟利夫从隔离开始到现在,一直没有发表任何公开声明。

    Ms. Johnson Sirleaf has made no public statement since the start of the quarantine and the fatal shooting of a 15-year-old West Point boy , Shakie Kamara , who was caught in a battle between soldiers and men trying to break out of the quarantine zone .

  12. 从一开始到现在你就只是在对我撒谎。

    You 've done nothing but lie to me from the beginning .

  13. 你从开始试镜到现在有多久了?

    how Long Has It Been Since You 've Auditioned ?

  14. 太空计划从开始制定到现在已经有10年时间。

    It was a decade that saw the beginnings of the space programme .

  15. 从开始上课到现在你一直跟你的同学在聊天。

    Ever since the class started , you have been chatting with your classmate !

  16. 从年头开始到现在感觉又像小管家一样把一批批同事送出中国,又迎接了很多国外过来地同事们。

    From beginning of this year , I am like a house manager busy sending colleagues in and out of China .

  17. 本报告从开始出版到现在已经是第三个年头了,已经对全球的企业经营环境产生了一定的影响。

    Now in its third year , the report has already had an impact on business environment reforms around the world .

  18. 但我知道从一开始到现在我对你的感觉有多真切,只要你用心发现。

    But I , I knew right from the start , The way I felt inside , if you could read my mind .

  19. 从一开始到现在就像是我可以做很多非常酷的事情,

    from the beginning to , like , here is like , There are so much cool stuff that I 've gotten to do .

  20. 从开始动工到现在竣工,仅仅过去了九个月,市长为此更为震惊。

    He is still shocked by the fact that only nine months have elapsed since we started this project , and now it is finished .

  21. 从刚刚开始到现在我们已经上了五周的课了,从一个项目的开发测试到现在的项目的结束。在这一段时间内我们变化了很多。

    From just beginning to now we have already had five weeks , from a project of development and testing to the end of the current project , in this period of time we change a lot .

  22. 地球从诞生开始到现在,资源就不断的被当时的统治者消耗,尤其是到现阶段,而绿色社区体现的正是如何使人类生存环境最佳、如何更有效更节约的利用好现有资源。

    The earth resources are expended ceaselessly by the dominator from the beginning of the earth , especially nowadays , while green community incarnate the idea that how to get the best living environment and how to use the existing resources more efficiently and economically .

  23. 目前为止,从袭击开始到现在共有多少名死者尚不确定。但是官方称死亡人数至少140,稍后若安全部队能够进入荒废了的大楼进行检查,死亡人数还会上升。

    So far , it is unclear exactly how many people have been killed since the coordinated attacks began but authorities said the number is believed to be at least 140 and could go higher once security forces are able to slowly go through the devastated buildings where the fighting took place .

  24. 从这次节食开始到现在我只减了16磅。

    I 've only lost sixteen pounds since I started this diet .

  25. 从我开始干到现在一定有三个多小时了。past表示超过某个时刻。

    It must be over three hours since I started working .

  26. 从屋顶开始坍塌到现在,3年过去了。

    It has been three years since the roof started to fall in .

  27. 为你等,从一开始盼到现在,也同样落的不可能。

    Waiting for you , from beginning till now , it is still impossible .

  28. 从1978年开始到现在,我国先后进行了六次行政管理体制改革。

    From 1978 to now , China has carried out six of the administrative system .

  29. 那么,从我开始讲话到现在,有大概324个人已经去世了。

    So that would be , roughly , 324 people have died since I 've begun speaking .

  30. 此抗议活动从周一开始,到现在已经有136人加入。

    The event is set for Monday and so far 136 people have committed to the 6am event .