
  • 网络farm to table;farm-to-table
  1. 从农场到餐桌的良好生产做法是确保食品安全消费的关键。

    Good manufacturing practices from farm to table are essential to ensure that food is safe for consumption .

  2. 食物从农场到餐桌的距离并不是需要考虑的唯一因素。食物生产过程中排放出的80%的碳是在运输之前产生的,工业化的农场比较小的农场更加节能。

    Food miles -- the distance food travels from farm to table -- isn 't the only factor to consider : 80 percent of the carbon emissions from food production occur before shipping , and industrial farms tend to be more energy-efficient than smaller ones .

  3. 当艾丽丝·沃特斯(AliceWaters)发起“从农场到餐桌”运动时,谢勒正好在美国西海岸工作。

    He worked on the West Coast when Alice Waters was building the farm-to-table movement . '

  4. 在C厅,丹佛餐馆(Denver)的分店RootDown供应从农场到餐桌(farm-to-table)的美食,包括可以打包上飞机的生食和三明治。

    At C Gates , Root Down , a branch of the Denver restaurant , offers farm-to-table fare , including raw items and sandwiches packed for the plane .

  5. 忘掉“从农场到餐桌”的口号吧,Nur是“从露台到餐桌”的,这同时也是饭店坚持使用本地食材的生动体现。

    Forget farm-to-table , this was patio-to-table - and a vivid illustration of Nur 's stated commitment to local products .

  6. 还有一批初级专家,比如东村MimiCheng’sDumplings餐厅的汉娜和玛丽安·郑(HannahandMarianCheng),那里的饺子是用可持续性的肉类做成的,从农场到餐桌的蔬菜配菜是按照她们台湾妈妈的食谱做成的;

    There is also a junior class of specialists , like Hannah and Marian Cheng of Mimi Cheng 's Dumplings in the East Village , where the dumplings are made from sustainable meat and served with farm-to-table vegetable sides from their Taiwanese mother 's recipes ;

  7. 食品安全管理需要从农场到餐桌步步保障,因此需要利用现在流行的物联网技术,建立一个全程监控系统,保障食品的安全。

    Food safety management need to guarantee every step : farm-to-table .

  8. 生猪及其产品从农场到餐桌质量溯源解决方案&以天津市为例

    A Solution on Pork Quality Safety Production Traceability from Farm to Dining Table & Taking Tianjin City as an Example

  9. 我们提供全面的从农场到餐桌的卫生方案,为您的产品质量和保质期作出保障。

    We will improve the quality and shelf life of your products and provide comprehensive cleaning solutions from farms to tables .

  10. 从农场到餐桌的整个食品供应链的可追溯性逐渐成为食品安全和食品质量保障领域讨论的主要问题。

    Traceability throughout the food supply chain from the farm to fork is becoming a dominant issue in the discussion of food safety and food quality guarantee .

  11. 近年来食品安全问题屡见不鲜,追溯系统作为保障食品安全的一种有效手段,能够高效的实现从农场到餐桌的源头信息的追溯和质量控制。

    Recent food safety issues are increasing demand for traceability systems in all foodstuff to realize tracing and quality control effectively during the process from origin harvest to table .

  12. 这些产品在从农场到餐桌这一供应链的转运过程中,可能会受到诸如沙门氏菌、大肠杆菌和甲肝病毒等病原体的污染。

    As these products move along the supply chain from the farm to the table , they can be contaminated by pathogens such as salmonella , e.coli , and hepatitis A virus .

  13. 从农场到餐桌,中国的科技业巨头期待利用强大的数据搜集能力、智能手机应用程序、网上市场和酷炫的电子设备来升级过时的旧系统。

    From the farm to the table , the country 's biggest players are looking to upgrade archaic systems with robust data collection , smartphone apps , online marketplaces and fancy gadgetry .

  14. RFID的解决方案对每一件物品提供高效、详尽的控制,在从农场到消费者餐桌的整个食品供应链中,创建一系列可靠的食品信息。

    RFID solution for each item to provide efficient and detailed control of . From farm to consumer table the entire food supply chain , creating a range of reliable information on food .

  15. 欧盟对食品链实行从“农场到餐桌”的全程监管,欧洲食品安全管理局在食品安全监管中发挥着重要的作用。

    EU carries out controls and monitoring throughout the food chain ," from farm to table " . The European Food Safety Authority plays an important role in the controls and monitoring Of food safety .

  16. 它的大厨阿兰·帕萨尔(AlainPassard)以选用“从农场到痴迷大厨到餐桌”的食材而闻名,尤其是蔬菜。

    Its chef , Alain Passard , is famous for his farm-to-obsessed-chef-to-table ingredients , especially vegetables .