
  • 网络Shoulder Arms
  1. 《从军记》发行两天后查理与米尔德里德·哈利斯结婚。哈利斯小姐童真般的娇美艳丽和他初恋的情人海蒂如出一辙。

    Two days after its release , Charlie married Mildred Harris , pretty in the same way as his first love Hetty Kelly .

  2. 在实证方面利用日本士兵的从军记、战记、回忆录,尤其是日记、口述资料等直证资料,力图揭示历史的本来面目,特别是日军士兵的群体心理状态。

    In the empirical use Japanese soldiers soldier notes , field notes , memoirs , especially diary , oral material etc straight card material , tries to reveal the history , especially the real group psychological state of the Japanese soldiers .