
  • 网络a dog's life;a dogs life
  1. 在美国,过狗的生活并不是什么坏事。

    Leading a dog 's life in America isn 't such a bad thing .

  2. 马克:对,就比如“这过的简直是狗的生活”。京晶:没错。

    Mark : Yeah , like " it 's a dog 's life . " Exactly .

  3. 摘自一只狗的生活日记……

    Excerpts from a Dog 's Diary ....

  4. 北京,5月17日(联社)-华东三只新生的虎兄弟正过着狗的生活。

    BEIJING , May17 ( AP ) & It 's a dog 's life for three newborn tiger triplets in eastern China .

  5. 从前,它过着流浪狗的生活,只能以街上发现的残羹剩炙为生,但是现在巴里完全是一只训练有素的警犬。

    Once he lived the life of a stray , fighting and living off scraps of food found on the street , but now Barry is a fully trained police dog .

  6. 行为学家建议,当家里出现新成员时,尽量不要打乱宠物狗的生活规律,以避免它们因为嫉妒而狂吠或哀嚎。

    Behavioural experts recommend owners keeping their dog 's routine as much as possible when a new partner or child comes along in order to prevent jealous activity from the dog such as interruptions with barking or whining .

  7. 你可以说,在中国教英语的外国人“简直过的是狗的生活。”马克:嗯…我承认我们确实不必特别辛苦地工作,就能获得我们所需要的一切。

    You might say , it 's a dog 's life for foreigners who teach English in China . Mark : Hmm. I 'll admit we don 't have to work especially hard , and still have everything we need .

  8. “过着狗一样的生活”这句话的意思是过着不快乐的生活。

    The expression , to lead a dog 's life , means living an unhappy life .

  9. 词语表达“过着狗一般的生活”用来形容生活潦倒窘迫的人。

    The expression , to lead a dog 's life , describes a person who has an unhappy existence .

  10. 丈夫埋怨狗也不如的生活,可是狗儿们是没有老婆的。

    Husband complain of dog 's life , but dog have no wife .

  11. 在美国,狗所过的生活并不坏,很多杂货店都卖有宠物美食,让主人可以讨好他们的宠物。

    Leading a dog 's life in America isn 't such a bad thing . Many grocery stores sell gourmet pet foods to owners eager to please their pets .

  12. 但是,在香港,一些流浪狗正在开始新的生活。

    But in Hong Kong , some strays are getting a new lease of life .

  13. 当我们解开这些神秘疗效的谜底后,毫无疑问,狗将在我们的生活中扮演新的角色。

    As we unravel this mysterious effect , dogs will undoubtedly come to play new roles in our lives .

  14. 艺术家凯丽·安吉尔就用漫画描绘出了爱狗者和养狗者之间的这种差别。因为他们对自家宠物狗的爱,所以养狗者的生活可以说完全被狗占有了。

    Artist Kelly Angel 's comic captures the difference between being someone who loves dogs as opposed to being a true dog parent , whose very being is completely consumed by the affection they have for their furry friend .