
  • 【医】dog blood
  1. IMDb表示,这部网飞原创剧集第二季渐入平淡内敛,而不是聚焦狗血和鸡毛。

    The Netflix original series carried a lighter tone into its second season , without skimping on the drama or emotion , IMDb said .

  2. 这是你家里发现的,上面是狗血

    That was found at your home . That 's canine blood .

  3. 真的吗,听着像是狗血到家的洛杉矶桥段

    Seriously , that sounds like some horrible LA cliche .

  4. 就这样吗我端上狗血大菜

    That 's it ? I give you that tasty dish

  5. 影片讲了一个颇为狗血的故事。

    The film tells an out-dated story .

  6. 现实可能比戏剧更狗血!

    Truth can be stranger than fiction !

  7. 这些电影太狗血了。

    These movies are so campy .

  8. 现如今,巴西总统罗塞芙简直在写狗血剧剧本。

    BY NOW Brazil 's president , Dilma Rousseff , must be finding the script wearily familiar .

  9. 不过电影的剧情更狗血一点:猎人决定训练白雪公主如何逃生并反击。

    But in a novel twist the hunter decides to train Snow White to survive and fight back .

  10. 读下去,你就能认识几个好莱坞的古怪剧本,都是受到狗血现实生活的启发。

    Keep reading to learn about some of Hollywood 's zanier scripts that took their inspiration from good old-fashioned real-life drama .

  11. 但是,不可否认,现实中的八卦却常常演变成狗血大战,最后对任何人都没有好处。

    However , it is an undeniable fact that real life gossip often develops into a ridiculous war and is ultimately no good for anyone .