
gǒu xióng
  • black bear;coward;Asiatic black bear;Selenarctos thebetanus
狗熊 [gǒu xióng]
  • (1) [Asiatic black bear]∶黑熊的俗称

  • (2) [coward]∶懦夫,卑鄙的胆怯者,易受惊者,易受威吓者

  • 他哪里是什么英雄,只能是一个狗熊

狗熊[gǒu xióng]
狗熊[gǒu xióng]
  1. 看那只狗熊,多可爱!

    Look at the bear , how funny it is !

  2. 乔在起居室里严厉地惩罚他的玩具小狗熊

    Jo was chastising his teddy bear in the living room .

  3. 嘿嘿,这句不错,六个月里,印度从英雄变成了狗熊。哈哈。

    India has gone from hero to zero in six months .

  4. 突然她看见一只狗熊骑着一辆自行车朝她这边来。

    Suddenly she sees a bear riding a bike toward her .

  5. 如果你是一条鱼,你可要小心狗熊!

    If you are a fish , watch out for bears !

  6. 这有点像老式游戏的打狗熊。

    It 's kind of like playing that old game whack-a-mole .

  7. 你想谈谈美洲狮或者大狗熊吗?

    You wanna talk about the bear or the mountain lion ?

  8. 也许我还会去拜访我们的狗熊朋友

    And maybe I 'll visit our friends the bears .

  9. 狗熊、梅花鹿、雄鹰,他们是我们的兄弟。

    The bear , the great eagle , there are our brothers .

  10. 也许是美洲狮或者大狗熊。

    A mountain lion , a bear , maybe .

  11. 狗熊在小溪中捕鱼。

    The bear catches the fish in the stream .

  12. 这位著名演员过去曾走村串镇地耍过狗熊。

    This famous actor used to dance a bear from town to town .

  13. 这些个怕羞的狗熊,这些个害臊而骁勇的捕鲸者!

    these bashful bears , these timid warrior whalemen !

  14. 一只大狗熊在一头大黑猪的背上咬了一口。

    A big black bear bit the back of a big black pig .

  15. 狗熊翻过了山,去看看能看到什么。

    The bear went over the mountain to see what he could see .

  16. 不管怎么说,我都像是头被牵去表演跳舞的狗熊。

    For all the world , I was led like a dancing bear .

  17. 然后男孩就和狗熊钓鱼去了。

    The boy and the bear went fishing .

  18. 他的手像逮狗熊的钢夹子一样,抓住了陌生人的胳膊。

    His hand came down like a bear trap on the stranger 's arm .

  19. 不管是雪豹,猫,狗熊。

    Be it ounce or cat or bear .

  20. 屈丽娜就不由自主的慢慢爱起她的“老狗熊”来了。

    Trina 's affection for her " old bear " grew in spite of herself .

  21. 一只小老鼠挤了进来,它自作主张地蹲在大狗熊的鼻子上了。

    The tiny mouse squeezed in and perched herself on the big bear 's nose .

  22. 软件许可:共享软件狗熊的照片。

    Software description : about bears of the world , changing pictures of bears wildlife .

  23. 当然,猎杀窝在巢穴内的狗熊的方式是相当安全但令人作呕。

    In fact hunting bears in a lair is quite a safe and disgusting hunting method .

  24. 我有一只大狗熊。

    I have a big bear .

  25. 像狗熊一样爬。

    Climb like a bear .

  26. 亲戚、邻居们,说他是狗熊掰棒子,他也根本听不进去。

    His relatives and neighbours sneered at him , saying that he would never be able to learn anything .

  27. 猎人突然发现有只狗熊正向他走来他只好装死。

    The hunter had to feign death when he suddenly found out that a bear was coming toward him .

  28. 据专家估计,每个宿营点方圆1公里内都生活着一头狗熊。

    they may be everywhere . Experts estimate that there is a bear within a mile radius of every campsite .

  29. 三个小黑人,动物园里遭祸殃;狗熊突然从天降,三个只剩两。

    Three little nigger boys walking in the Zoo ; A big bear bugged one , and then there were two .

  30. 花园里面徜徉,玩具狗熊一样;一步两步走来,给你挠挠痒痒。

    Round and round the garden Like a teddy bear ; One step , two step , Tickle you under there .