
  • Dog Food;Dog Dry Food;DOG CHOW
  1. 普通狗粮的原料大多是动物下水,所以狗吃的通常是人类不要的肉类。

    Normal dog food is mostly offal , so dogs are typically eating meat that humans have rejected .

  2. 目前,“速递按钮”可以订购咖啡、清洁剂、剃须刀、厕纸、纸尿裤、湿纸巾、果汁、狗粮、垃圾袋、奶酪通心粉和餐巾纸等。

    So far there are Dash buttons for coffee , detergent3 , razors , toilet paper , diapers , wipes , juice , dog food , trash bags , macaroni and cheese and napkins , among other items .

  3. 中型犬每天至少要吃掉一罐狗粮。

    A medium-sized dog will devour at least one can of food per day

  4. 我的狗每天至少要吃掉一罐狗粮。

    My dog will devour at least one can of food per day .

  5. 博是一只金毛猎犬,它获得了Ken-LRation狗粮公司今年的狗英雄奖。

    Bo , a golden retriever , won this year 's Dog Hero Award from the Ken-L Ration dog food company .

  6. 纯素狗粮已有售,但那些注重环保的、想给宠物吃动物蛋白的狗主人们现在可以转向一款叫作Yora的荷兰产品。这个产品中含40%的黑色兵蝇幼虫。

    Vegan dog foods are on sale but environmentalist owners wanting to treat their pet to animal protein can now turn to a Dutch product called Yora . The grubs of black soldier flies make up 40 % of it .

  7. 猫:“我不喜欢这个吃的,我想吃墙上那只蜥蜴或者狗粮,但不管怎样我会吃掉这个,然后吐到地毯上,你应该感恩才对。”

    Cat - “ I don 't like this food , I wanna eat that lizard1 on the wall or the dog 's food . But anyway I will eat this and vomit2 it out on the carpet . You should be grateful . ” 3 . When they break something

  8. 警察并不付给他钱,但是每周他们会给Clifford送来很多狗粮。

    They don 't pay him money . But every week , they send Clifford a lot of dog food .

  9. 该集团表示,冠能senior(proplansenior)“是第一种、也是唯一一种含有抗老化物质的狗粮,事实证明,这种混合营养物质能够改善老年犬的认知功能和精神警觉性。”

    The group says its pro plan senior is " the first and only dog food to contain anti age a nutrient blend proven to improve cognitive function and mental alertness in senior dogs . "

  10. 陈每周带Cookie去宠物美容师那里沐浴,喂食的都是进口狗粮,每个月要花费2000元(约合320美元)。

    Chen takes Cookie to a groomer for a weekly shower and feeds it imported food , costing her some 2000 yuan ( $ 320 ) a month .

  11. 《每日电讯报》(theDailyTelegraph)连续5天刊登了泄漏出来的国会议员递交的100多万张收据的详细信息,报销项目从狗粮到游泳池清理费等应有尽有。

    Leaked details of more than 1m receipts submitted by MPs have been published on five successive days by the Daily Telegraph , showing claims for items ranging from dog food to the cleaning of swimming pools .

  12. 尽管她还这么小,她却喜欢从狗粮中找大块的食物,却不吃她自己的猫粮。Venus的主人在她Facebook主页上写道。

    As tiny as she is she likes to pick the giant pieces of food from the dog food bowl rather than eat her cat food , the owner writes on Venus Facebook page .

  13. Caucho正在吃自己的狗粮&将整个服务器构筑在CDI组件模型之上。

    Caucho 's eating their own dog-food , as it were , by basing the entire server on the CDI component model .

  14. Ross:一些短期的目标包括了Comet支持、将DSL从Servlet/Filter里面分离出来以更易于重新装载(使用JRebel),以及创建真正的网站:我们将吃我们自己的狗粮。

    Ross : Some near-term initiatives include comet support , separating the DSL from the Servlet / Filter for easier reloading with JRebel , and launching a proper website : we 're going to eat our own dogfood .

  15. 我们建议用狗粮成分做成冰棍来喂它们,这样对小孩来说是很好玩的,并且这样的食物对狗狗来说即安全又充满乐趣。“

    nd product is both safe and enjoyable for dogs . "

  16. 这种狗粮大量购买时较便宜。

    This dog food is cheaper when you buy it in bulk .

  17. 他的队友戏称他小狗粮。

    Little [ young ] devil by his older teammates .

  18. 上午8点-狗粮!我的最爱!

    00 am - Dog food ! My favourite thing !

  19. 更换狗粮会让我的狗挑食吗?

    Won 't changing foods make my dog picky ?

  20. 我是一个混血儿。我既吃狗粮又吃猫粮!

    I 'm a hybrid * I run on dog food and cat food !

  21. 这两个特点使红薯成为狗粮的健康之选。

    Both of these characteristics make sweet potatoes healthy additions to your dogs diet .

  22. 宠物狗在吃了含三聚氰胺的狗粮后死亡。

    Dogs keeled over from melamine-laced pet food .

  23. 把狗粮混在一块儿怎么样?

    What about just mixing foods together ?

  24. 她每月在狗粮,工人工资和其他给养方面要花费9000美元。

    She spends nearly 9000 dollars each month on dog foods , salaries and supplies .

  25. 事实上,狗粮很健康,甚至有些人还吃狗粮呢。

    In fact , dog-food is so healthy that some people even eat it themselves .

  26. 我车里有一大包狗粮给�

    I got a giant bag of puppy chow out in the car for you --

  27. 人们自愿捐款,送狗粮并且自愿去截停这辆卡车。

    People were donating money , dog food and offering volunteer work to stop that truck .

  28. 否则我发誓会让你的全家吃一辈子狗粮。

    Or I swear I will have your family eating dog food out of a can .

  29. 她只好又回家去把自己的狗抱来。他们把狗粮卖给了她。

    She went home and brought in her dog , and they sold her dog food .

  30. 帮助非洲人是一件好事,但卖狗粮也是。

    Helping Africa is a good thing but , then , so is selling dog food .