
  • Fish Ball;Fish Egg
  1. 猪肉包,热狗,鱼蛋,还有很多啦,香港人很喜欢自己这种特有的混搭小吃。

    Pork bun , hot dog , fish ball and a lot more , hkers love their unique mix of snacks .

  2. 贮藏温度对西鲱鱼液体蛋白营养成分和水解过程的影响分别以西鲱鱼和加热处理的西鲱鱼为原料制备液体鱼蛋白,置于6、13、20、25、30和39℃温度下贮藏32d。

    Effect of storage temperature on the nutrient composition and hydrolysis of fish silage made from sprat Formic acid silages were prepared from fresh and cooked sprat . Two types of silages were stored at 6,13,20,25,30 and 39 ℃ for 32 days .

  3. 本文对影响浓缩鱼蛋产品质量的因素进行了研究。

    Factors affecting the quality of fish protein concentrate ( FPC ) were studied .

  4. 你早饭要吃奶油鱼蛋饭吗?

    Would you like kedgeree for berakfast ?

  5. 蛋白质可从肉鱼蛋奶等食物中取得。

    Protein can be obtained from foods such as meat , fish , eggs and milk .

  6. 小狮子鱼和鱼蛋被卷进强烈的海流,物种入侵便继续扩散。

    Lionfish babies and eggs are swept away by these intense flows , and the invasion continues .

  7. 肉丸:像猪肉丸、牛肉丸、虾丸、鱼蛋等等,是逛街最流行的小吃之一。

    Meatball : like pork balls beef balls shrimp balls fish balls and so on shopping is one of the most popular snacks .