
  1. 长江口工程海上塑料排水板打设工艺及专用船的开发

    Development of Technology for Offshore Installation of Plastic Drains and Plastic Drain Driving Barge

  2. 文章结合曹妃甸围海造地工程,介绍了其工艺流程、船机配置及尚需完善的几个方面,以及将来的应用前景。

    The paper , in the light of the land reclamation works in caofeidian , describes the technological process of the Hydraulic Reclamation technology , deployment of craft and machinery and aspects to be perfected as well as the prospects for future application .

  3. 船舶电工工艺实训是训练船电专业学生的船舶电工工艺技能。

    The training of ship electrical technology is aimed at training and developing the students'technology capacity .