
  • 网络city light;LIGHT OF CITY;City Lights Bookstore
  1. 1953年,他和他的商业伙伴建立了城市之光书店出版,并开始从城市之光出版社两年后。

    In1953 , he and a business partner established the City Lights Bookstoreand started publishing from City Lights Press two years later .

  2. 城市之光并不友善,仅仅只是灯光。

    City lights are not friendly , they are merely lights .

  3. 中凯城市之光花园的设计理念和品质特征

    Concept of " Top of City " Garden Design and the Distinctive Quality

  4. 它犹如曼妙的城市之光,出现在上海发展的进程中。

    It appeared in the process of the development of Shanghai , just like graceful city light .

  5. 城市之光教会乃是由天匙宣教机构于2006年4月16日所开拓的事工。

    City Light was founded through the ministry of Keys Mission Organization on the 16th of April 2006 .

  6. 在《城市之光》里他描写了三十年代大萧条时期穷苦人在斗争中所显示的勇气和力量。

    In City Lights he described the courage and strength of the poor in their struggles during the Great Depression of the1930 's.

  7. 城市之光设备在工作的时候会产生热量,在设备运转的过程中请不要用手去接触设备。

    City-ray equipment in the course will have heat in the process of the functioning of the equipment should not hand to contact equipment .

  8. 他的经典作品有:《淘金记》(1925年)《城市之光》(1931年)《摩登时代》(1936年)《大专制者》(1940年)。

    Chaplin was best known for his acting work in The Gold Rush ( 1925 ) , City Lights ( 1931 ) , Modern Times ( 1936 ) and The Great Dictator ( 1940 ) .

  9. 查尔斯卓别林1931年的默片《城市之光》从76位晋升到11位,而1956年约翰福特和约翰韦恩共同执导的《检察官》上升幅度最大由96位到12位。

    Charles Chaplin's1931 silent gem " City Lights " jumped from No.76 to No.11 , while the1956 John Ford-John Wayne Western " The Searchers " took the biggest leap , from No.96 all the way to No.12 .

  10. 汤姆在这座城市观光。城市之光并不友善,仅仅只是灯光。

    Tom is seeing the town . City lights are not friendly , they are merely lights .