
  • 网络Urban expansion;urban growth;urban sprawl
  1. 基于Mean-shift影像分割算法的TM影像分类及城市扩展研究

    Study of TM Image Classification Based on Image Segmentation of Mean-Shift Algorithm and Its Application in Urban Sprawl

  2. 上海城市扩展模式及其动力机制

    A probe into the urban sprawl model and its drive mechanism in Shanghai

  3. 集成GIS的元胞自动机在城市扩展模拟中的应用

    Application of Integrating GIS with Cellular Automata to Dynamic Models of Urban Growth

  4. 基于RS和GIS城市扩展动态研究

    Research of Urban Expansion Based on RS and GIS

  5. 基于RS和GIS的天津市城市扩展时空特征及其影响因素研究

    Study on the Spatial-temporal Change Characteristics and Influence Factors of Urban Expansion in Tianjin

  6. 构建了一个基于人工神经网络的约束型城市扩展CA模型。

    In this article , based on the artificial-neural-network , the constrained CA model of Beijing urban expansion was built .

  7. 城市扩展空间分异的多时相TM遥感研究

    Research on spatial differentiation of urban growth using multi-temporal landsat thematic mapper satellite remote sensing images

  8. MNF与MAD变换相结合的城市扩展研究

    Urban expansion research based on MNF and mad transformation

  9. 利用GIS软件绘制出了天津城市扩展安全格局,从定量和动态的角度为天津市的城市发展提供了规划依据。

    From the quota and the dynamic stratification plane , Tianjin 's expansion security pattern was drew up using the GIS software which provides planning basis to local urban development direction .

  10. 3S技术在河北省唐山市地面形变监测和城市扩展中的应用研究

    The Application Research of Surface Deformation Monitoring and Urban Expansion Based on 3S Technology in Tangshan City , Hebei Province

  11. 论文选取兰州市区为例,以遥感为数据源,以GIS技术为数据获取手段,应用元胞自动机模型&SLEUTH模型,对其扩展过程进行重建,并对未来城市扩展进行预测。

    This thesis takes Lanzhou as the study area , applies SLEUTH model to rebuild the expansion process based on remote sensing and GIS , and then predicts the urban expansion in the future .

  12. 借用3S技术,从不同时间、不同角度分析城市扩展的发展变化规律是一项十分有效地技术手段。

    It is the available means to analyze the variety regulation of urban expansion from the different meantime and angle by 3S technologies .

  13. 利用SLEUTH模型进行北京城市扩展模拟研究

    Simulation of Beijing Urbanization Using SLEUTH

  14. 充分发挥GIS技术在管理空间、属性数据和空间分析与输出成果图等强大功能,计算出南京市由于城市扩展而使人口承载力减少的数量及其空间分布。

    The function of GIS are elaborated , such as managing spatial data and attribute data , spatial analyzing and outputting ultimate maps to get the reduced number of Nanjing population carrying capacity and its spatial distribution because of the expansion of city .

  15. CA模型是一种自下而上的动态模拟建模框架,主要用于模拟城市扩展,在模拟复杂空间系统时具有一定优势,主要集中在基于城市增长的模式模拟。

    CA model is a " bottom to up " dynamic simulation modeling framework , mainly used for the simulation of urban expansion , have an certain advantages in simulations of complex space systems , mainly concentrated on model simulation which is based on the urban growth .

  16. 19841991年北京城区在不同方向上表现出全面、大规模的城市扩展,19912002年城区扩展主要集中在距城市中心10km以外的区域。

    From 1984 to 1991 , there was an all-sided , massive urban expansion , and the urban area expansion took place mainly in areas 10km outside the city center from 1991 to 2002 . ( 2 ) Urban heat island effect in Beijing was studied .

  17. 济南市城市扩展与城市暴雨洪灾

    Urban Expanding and Its Effects on Urban Flood Disasters in Jinan

  18. 北京城市扩展过程中耕地自然生产功能损失研究

    Production Capacity Loss of Farmland during Urbanization in Beijing , China

  19. 连云港城市扩展及其驱动力分析

    Analysis of the Urban Expansion of Lianyungang and its Driving Force

  20. 卫星遥感监测城市扩展与环境变化的研究

    Monitoring of Urban Expansion and Environment Change Using Satellite Remote Sensing Data

  21. 基于元胞自动机的河谷型城市扩展研究

    The Sprawl Research on Valley City Based on Cellular Automata

  22. 基于灰色局势决策规则的元胞自动机城市扩展模型

    Urban Expansion Model Based on Cellular Automata of Decision-Making with Grey Situation

  23. 苏州建设用地变化及城市扩展研究

    A Study on Construction Land Change and Urban Area Increase of Suzhou

  24. 景观扩张指数及其在城市扩展分析中的应用

    Landscape Expansion Index and Its Applications to Quantitative Analysis of Urban Expansion

  25. 工业建设、城市扩展不应成为蚕食农业用地的理由。

    Industrial construction should not be the reasons of eroded agricultural land .

  26. 北京市限建区规划:制订城市扩展的边界

    Planning of the CONTROLLED-CONSTRUCTION area in beijing : establishing urban expansion boundary

  27. 运用多尺度图像纹理进行城市扩展变化检测

    The application of multiscale image texture to the detection of urban expansion

  28. 城市扩展中的居住区布局形态发展初探

    Preliminary probing into the progress of habitation layout pattern in urban expanding

  29. 南京城市扩展与其空间增长管理的研究

    Urban expansion and its spatial growth management in Nanjing

  30. 基于土地利用程度的北京城市扩展特征

    Research on Urban Expansion Based on Land Use Degree