
  • 网络stans;Staines;Stains
  1. 斯坦斯先生将被送交联邦法院审判。

    Mr stans will be brought to a federal court .

  2. 在城市和城镇中的斯坦斯你必须处理在沙井街道中间有很多。

    In many of the cities and towns in the Stans you have to deal with manholes in the middle of the street .

  3. 拥有第二跑道的斯坦斯泰得机场可以吸引旅游客人。

    Stansted , with a second runway , would suck in leisure traffic .

  4. 本周两人在斯坦斯特机场下飞机时,我们就注意到了她们着装风格上的这种变化。

    This remarkable style overhaul was also noted as the two First Daughters alighted the plane at Stansted Airport this week .

  5. 杰克:给你安排的是初级专员,在部门经理莫妮卡?斯坦斯菲尔德手下工作。

    Jake : You 'd be a junior specialist and you 'd be working under Monique Stansfield , the department manager .

  6. 尽管斯坦斯最终没有达到北极点,但她已经进入了北极圈,且创下了女性独自探险行程之最。

    Even though she did not get to the Pole , she has travelled further into the Arctic than any other solo female explorer .

  7. 伦敦金史密斯大学的黛博拉?科斯坦斯与詹妮弗?梅耶正在着手研究狗,看它们能否察觉人类的情绪状态。

    Deborah Custance and Jennifer Mayer of Goldsmiths College , London , set out to see if dogs could detect the emotional state of humans .

  8. 我的经验,多数真棒部分被车队的一部分,它带来的快乐和对那些在中国和斯坦斯。

    The most awesome part of the experience for me was being part of the convoy and the happiness it brought to those in China and the Stans .

  9. 古德奈特该上车去斯坦斯特机场了,他的私人飞机在那里等着接他去达沃斯。

    It is time for Mr Goodnight to get in his car and drive to Stansted airport , where his private jet is waiting to take him on to Davos .

  10. 华盛顿罗纳德里根机场肯尼迪机场盖特威克机场希思罗机场Londer滑铁卢机场卢顿机场斯坦斯特机场伦敦城市机场悉尼班克斯镇机场悉尼水利局机场金斯福德史密斯机场悉尼西机场棕榈滩国家邮政局机场詹达科特机场珀斯国际机场莱斯特皮尔逊多伦多国际机场Buttonvill

    Washington D.C Ronald Reagan National Airport New York John F Kennedy International Airport London : Gatwick Airport Heathrow Airport Stansted Airport London City Airport Sydney : Sydney Bankstown Airport Sydney Water Airport Kingsford Smith Airport Sydney West Airport Palm Beach SPB Airport Toronto : Downsview Airport Metropolitan Area Airport