
  • 网络Sloth;Benjamin Sloss;John Sloss
  1. 报道说,巴特勒-斯洛斯将在6月辞去戴妃验尸官的职务,她的接任者为大法官斯科特·贝克。

    She will quit the role in June when Lord Justice Scott Baker will take over .

  2. 巴特勒-斯洛斯原本也坚持不公开戴妃案初步听证会的过程,但也因老法耶茨的反对而妥协。

    She had also originally sought to hold preliminary pre-inquest hearings in private but backed down on that in December after Mr Fayed threatened to challenge .

  3. 塔克回忆十二年前,她在洛杉矶蔡斯家的宴会上第一次见斯洛斯时,就对他喜欢得不得了。

    Tucker recalled that she had disliked Sloss intensely when she first met him , during a dinner at Chasen 's , in Los Angeles , twelve years ago .

  4. 日前,英国已故王妃戴安娜的验尸官、男爵夫人巴特勒-斯洛斯宣布辞去戴妃验尸官一职。巴特勒-斯洛斯此前表示,她不能胜任主持一个有陪审团参与的立场鲜明的死因听证会。

    Baroness Butler-Sloss is to step down as coroner for the Princess Diana inquest after admitting she feels she is not up to conducting such a high profile jury hearing .