
  • Orange Road;Morphling;Funny fellows
  1. 她有种古灵精怪的幽默感。

    She had a wicked sense of humour

  2. 迄今为止,她已花费7000英镑再现Gaga的标志性造型,扮成这位古灵精怪的明星在英国各地进行演出,每次亮相1小时收费600英镑。

    To date , she has spent £ 7000 recreating iconic Gaga looks and performs all over the UK as the outlandish star , charging 600 pounds an hour for each appearance .

  3. 会不会是什么古灵精怪把她真正的妹妹给抱走了?

    Perhaps the grumkins had stolen her real sister .

  4. 居住在这里的人对这样古灵精怪的老鼠也是司空见惯的。

    Living in a place like this , one must expect the odd mouse .

  5. 杨幂漂亮可爱又古灵精怪。

    Yang Mi is so cute and playful .

  6. 也许古灵精怪今年特别饿罢。

    Perhaps the grumkins are hungry this year .

  7. 我们很高兴向大家介绍古灵精怪的魔力小布。

    We are happy to introduce the whimsical " Mod Molly " Neo Blythe !

  8. 别人称他为“古灵精怪作家”

    They call him the author of twisted tales

  9. 你这个人古灵精怪兼有趣。

    You are a strange and interesting woman .

  10. 跟他说什么都要小心一点,他很聪明也很古灵精怪。

    JACK : Be careful what you say to him . He 's smart and curious .

  11. 乔纳森还学会御风高飞,飞入远远的内陆,吃到古灵精怪的昆虫。

    He learned to ride the high winds far inland , to dine there on delicate insects .

  12. 你的古灵精怪常常让你愿意尝试来自世界各地的美味佳肴。

    Your eccentric and intellectual nature will lead you to sample exotic foods from the world over .

  13. 显然烧了他就行你去了趟长城回来之后就开始相信古灵精怪了

    Apparently you burn him . One trip to the Wall and you come back believing in grumpkins and snarks .

  14. 而此次,具有古灵精怪气质的周迅同样成功拿下19岁的九儿这个角色。

    Obviously , her elegant pixie-like features haven 't kept her from pulling off the role of the 19-year-old Jiu'er .

  15. 喜剧的魅力在于其随性且古灵精怪的风格以及外国文化的专属幽默感。

    The attraction of comedy lies in its casual style , the quick wit and the sense of humor tailored to a foreign culture .

  16. 留着山羊胡子,古灵精怪的他总是一支接一支地吸烟,喜欢在博洛尼亚的酒馆喝便宜的葡萄酒,和学生们说笑直到深夜。

    Impish , bearded and a chain-smoker , he enjoyed bantering over cheap wine with his students late into the night at taverns in Bologna .

  17. 对于毛巾,有些漫游者认为该把它们改造得古灵精怪些,他们把各式各样的小装备和秘密工具缝在毛巾里头,甚至连电脑设备也往里缝。

    Other hitch hikers had seen fit to modify their towels in exotic ways , weaving all kinds of esoteric tools and utilities and even computer equipment into their fabric .

  18. 北京故宫博物院新的营销活动引起了社会媒体的广泛舆论。它把中国古代帝王和其它历史人物的画像设计出了当今新潮的姿势,打破传统的严肃观念,创造了古灵精怪的人物形态特色。

    Beijing 's Palace Museum has stirred discord among the social media masses with its new marketing campaign featuring whimsical portraits of Chinese emperors and other historical figures striking modern-day poses .

  19. 亚太广告节向来令香港观众会心微笑甚至忍俊不禁,今届除了日本前辈与泰国新锐的放肆创意,联同澳洲与印度奇兵还有港区代表,均尽显亚洲古灵精怪的朝气!

    On the other hand , Asia Pacific commercials circle is less self conscious and showcases its localised sense of humour-Japanese , Thai , Aussie Indian and local entries will surely make you laugh !

  20. 拉克说:“画壁画时,我喜欢加上一些古灵精怪和个性化的东西。”其作品收费不等,起步为2000美元,可能要耗费数年时间的设计作品的要价则高达100000美元。

    When we do murals I like adding something whimsical and personal , ' Mr. Racke says . Projects can cost anywhere from $ 2000 to upward of $ 100000 for something that may take several years .

  21. 故事讲述的是10岁小女孩千寻的冒险故事,国内版由古灵精怪的周冬雨配音。千寻在精灵世界四处游荡,想把变成猪的父母变回原貌。

    It follows the adventures of a 10-year old girl named Chihiro , voiced by the adorable Zhou Dongyu , as she wanders around the spirit world to bring her parents back to their original form after turning into pigs .

  22. 我所了解的天秤一般崇尚公平,捍卫和平,他们喜欢和平共处,避免冲突~水瓶座有两面性:害羞安静,同时又古灵精怪充满活力。

    Like , fifty-fifty ... What I know about Libras is that they highly value equality and fairness and they always prefer keeping peace and try to avoid conflicts . I think they also have two side : they are shy and quiet , but eccentric and energetic at the same time .