
  • 网络Goodwood
  1. 另外宝马旗下豪车品牌劳斯莱斯(Rolls-Royce)的主要组装地正是在英国的古德伍德工厂,劳斯莱斯的大多数机械部件都是从欧洲大陆运到那里进行组装的。

    The German automaker also owns Rolls-Royce and assembles the luxury automobile in a plant located in Goodwood , England , most of the heavy and mechanical parts shipped there from the continent .

  2. 在这期间,古德伍德小组一直不懈地努力,力争使这款概念车尽早转入量产阶段。

    In the interim years , the team at Goodwood have worked tirelessly to turn the experimental car into a reality .

  3. 公司创始人亨利·斯爵士的座右铭至今仍在古德伍德引起共鸣:做每件事情都力臻完美。

    The maxim of company founder Sir Henry Royce still resonates around Goodwood today : Strive for perfection in everything you do .

  4. 与许多其它汽车公司一样,劳斯莱斯会邀请买车或考虑买车的客户,到它位于英格兰南部古德伍德的工厂参观。

    Like many other car companies , Rolls-Royce invites customers buying a car , or contemplating a purchase , to its plant in Goodwood , southern England .

  5. 卡斯博.古德伍德再次向伊莎贝尔求婚并表明他愿意给伊莎贝尔充足的时间去体验生活,而伊莎贝尔却努力表明她不愿结婚的态度。

    Caspar Goodwood makes a second proposal to Isabel and states that he would like to give Isabel sufficient time to experience life . But Isabel tries to express her unwillingness to get married .

  6. 在伊莎贝尔与卡斯博.古德伍德的对话中,除使用中级情态操作词外,双方使用了较多的低级情态操作词,这表明双方努力使用温和语气以缓和双方之间的关系。

    In the dialogue between Isabel and Caspar Goodwood , besides the use of modal operators with median value , both characters use many modal operators with low value , which shows that they try to talk in a mild way so as to soften their relationship .