
  • 网络paleoproterozoic;Ptl
  1. 其下拆离盘为古元古界结晶基底杂岩,上拆离盘为中元古界白湖群变质岩系,滑脱拆离带为已变形的大型韧性正断层。

    Its lower plate is the Paleoproterozoic crystalline basement , its hanging wall is a Middle Proterozoic metamorphic rock series and the master detachment fault is a large scale deformed low angle ductile normal fault .

  2. 前寒武纪与微生物席相关的粉砂岩岩墙&以天津蓟县古元古界串岭沟组为例

    Microbial mat-related silty dykes of the Precambrian : An example from the Paleoproterozoic Chuanlinggou Formation at Jixian section in Tianjin

  3. 经笔者研究证实,西成矿田容矿地层除泥盆系外,还有古元古界。

    Study proves that the host strata , besides the Devonian , include the Lower Proterozoic .

  4. 吉南地区是我国古元古界出露较好的地区之一。在吉彭的机器上,血液滴穿一个金属网,使血液暴露在氧气之中。

    The southern Jilin area is one of the well-developed Palaeoproterozoic regions in China . In Gibbon 's models , blood dripped over a wire mesh to expose it to oxygen .

  5. 国内的金矿围岩以太古界和元古界的变质岩系占优势;国外则以年轻的火山岩、火山碎屑岩占首位。

    In China , the predominant country rocks of gold deposits are the Proterozoic and Palaeozoic metamorphic rocks , but the young volcanic rocks and volcaniclastic rocks are put in the first place on abroad .