
gǔ lóng
  • Gulong;a surname
古龙[gǔ lóng]
  1. 古龙水——香水最古老的称呼,指北美男士香水。

    Cologne ( eau de cologne ) – Oldest term for perfume , used in North America for masculine scents .

  2. 这款限量版古龙水有着“暖阳”的味道,非常适合在渴望出国旅行的日子里使用。

    A limited edition cologne that offers ‘ solar warmth ' – perfect for days spend in lusting over international travel .

  3. 很久以前,世界上的龙牺牲自己拯救了人类,五百年后,古龙大陆分裂成了五个相互作战的国家,为了拯救世界,拉雅只能出发去寻找幸存的最后一条龙——由奥卡菲娜配音的能变成人形的毛绒绒的水龙。

    Five hundred years after the world 's dragons sacrificed themselves to save humanity , and the country was divided into five warring states , it 's up to Raya to find the lone5 survivor6 : a fluffy7 , shape-changing water dragon voiced by Awkwafina .

  4. 构建基因工程菌发酵产生维生素C的前体2-酮基-L-古龙酸

    Production of 2-KLG from glucose by constructing recombinant bacteria

  5. 从古龙酸(古洛糖酸)到VC的收率达83%以上。

    The ascorbic acid solution was refined to obtain the pure product . Its yield from gulonic acid was over 83 % .

  6. 通过对所获晶体的红外光谱分析、熔点测定、纸层析鉴定,证明所获晶体确为维生素C前体2-酮基-L-古龙酸(2-KGA)。

    Analysis through infrared spectrum , melting point determination , and paper chromatography , the crystal was identified as 2 - keto - gluconic acid .

  7. 这位前曼彻斯特联队(ManchesterUnited)和皇家马德里队(RealMadrid)中场球员多年来曾经有过众多赞助交易,但他最近发展了一系列的商业兴趣,包括一个贝克汉姆品牌的男士古龙水系列。

    While the former Manchester United and Real Madrid midfielder has held a number of sponsorship deals for many years , he has also more recently built a portfolio of business interests , including a line of Beckham-branded cologne .

  8. Colin曾被女王授予“爵士”的头衔,持续过百万张唱片的销量,并在热门大片中担任主角,还创立了自己的古龙水品牌,Colin味道。

    Colin , or as he 's been dubbed by the queen , " Sir Colin " has gone on to sell millions of records star inblockbuster films and create his own cologne , A Whiff of Colin .

  9. 洛肯的签名古龙水(售价25土耳其里拉;按照1美元等于2.20里拉计算,约合11.30美元)堪称嗅觉的盛宴,它是店主斋南浦·开曼(ZeynepKeyman)研制的,从玫瑰、无花果、茶和含羞草等经典的土耳其香料中提炼精致而成。

    A feast for the nose awaits in Lokum 's signature colognes ( 25 Turkish lira , or about $ 11.30 at 2.20 lira to the dollar ) , which were developed by the owner , Zeynep Keyman , from classic Turkish essences like rose , fig , tea and mimosa .

  10. 听者。香水是给女人用的。男人用古龙。

    Listen . Perfume is for girls . Men use cologne .

  11. 古龙香水使他周围的空气弥散着一股浓香。

    The Cologne gave a Tang to the air around him .

  12. 杀死人的不是愤怒,而是微笑。(好象古龙说的话啊)

    Not by wrath does one kill , but by laughter .

  13. 但是她背部的古龙香水很贵。

    But the Cologne we swabbed off her back is expensive .

  14. 噢你从哪里学做古龙水的?

    Oh , where did you learn how to make cologne ?

  15. 阳离子交换树脂催化古龙酸甲酯的非均相动力学

    Heterogeneous kinetics of ion-exchange resin catalyzed esterification of gulonic acid with methanol

  16. 哦,我试用了杂志附赠的古龙水。

    Yeah , I rubbed the magazine on myself earlier .

  17. 咦,艾美的那瓶古龙水呢?

    Why , where is Amy 's bottle of cologne ?

  18. 在用古龙水或其他香水的时候,切记,少即是多!

    When applying cologne or perfume , remember that less is more !

  19. 不不不是古龙水

    No , no , no , it 's cologne .

  20. 你也是凭直觉抹了这种古龙香水?

    Would those bethe same instincts that picked outthat cologne ?

  21. 上床戴你的配偶最喜欢的香水或古龙水。

    Go to bed wearing your spouse 's favorite perfume or cologne .

  22. 哦,那是古龙水的那个家伙。

    Oh , that 's the dude with the cologne .

  23. 而且我没有古龙水

    Yeah , and I don 't have any cologne .

  24. 她给自己敷上粉,并在耳后擦了古龙香水。

    She powdered herself and dabbed Cologne behind her ears .

  25. 男士则拍一些刮胡水或是男性古龙水在脸上。

    Men may splash on after-shave lotion or manly-smelling cologne .

  26. 我喜欢古龙香水的味道,你呢?

    I am fond of the smell of cologne , how about you ?

  27. 也会把古龙香水洒在被害人身上。

    He left Cologne on his victims , too .

  28. 我会送一小瓶古龙香水。

    I 'll get a little bottle of cologne .

  29. 他们打了太多的香水或古龙水。

    They just wear too much perfume or cologne .

  30. 古龙酸结晶母液的回收利用古龙酸酯转工艺研究

    Studies on Esterification and Conversion Technology of Gulonic Acid