
  1. 她绝不出卖琼恩,即使是对父亲大人也一样。

    She would not betray Jon , not even to their father .

  2. 父亲大人只准我们在宴会上喝一杯。

    Father only lets us have one cup at feasts .

  3. 那坨粪便又让他想起了自己的父亲大人。

    The dung made him think of his lord father .

  4. 我叫你父亲大人

    I called you Padre It 's Spanish for " Dad . "

  5. 父亲大人,我们可以去吗?

    Will we be permitted to go , Father ?

  6. 孺子给父亲大人请安。

    Little child pays respect to father monsignor .

  7. 真的长大以后我也想跟你一样父亲大人

    Yeah ! I wanna be just like you when I grow up , Padre !

  8. 丹尼尔:好的,伟大的父亲大人,晚饭后,我就开始。

    Daniel : OK , great Daddy , after supper , I 'll embark on it .

  9. 你不该擅自脱队,珊莎提醒她,父亲大人说过的。

    You 're not supposed to leave the column , Sansa reminded her . Father said so .

  10. 这位父亲大人富可比国,他的女儿完全不用出去工作。

    The merchant had a lot of money , so his children did not need to work at all .

  11. 我父亲大人曾经说过,男子汉只有真正准备战斗时,才会拔剑出鞘。

    My lord father used to say a man should never draw his sword unless he means to use it .

  12. 在凯岩城的地牢里,我的父亲大人关着些我们中间最糟糕的。

    There are cells down in the bowels of Casterly Rock where my lord father kept the worst of ours .

  13. 这样他们才不会为情爱所困扰.情爱是责任的死敌.如果有一天,你的父亲大人必须作出抉择…

    So they will not love . Love is the death of duty . If the day should ever come when your lord father was forced to choose

  14. 托曼的统治建立在我的父亲大人苦心经营的那些同盟上,但是很快她就会摧毁了它们,每一分每一毫。

    Tommen 's rule is bolstered by all of the alliances that my lord father built so carefully , but soon enough she will destroy them , every one .

  15. “如果陛下大人愿意失去我父亲大人所有的封臣,那没有比这更好的法子了把北方的厅堂赐给南方的领主。”

    " If your grace wishes to lose all of my Lord father 's bannermen , there is no more certain way than by giving northern halls to southron lords . "

  16. 或许她已经为淑女和布兰哭干了眼泪罢,她对自己说,若换成乔里或罗德利克爵士,或甚至父亲大人,就不会这样了。

    Perhaps she had used up all her tears for Lady and Bran . It would be different if it had been Jory or Ser Rodrik or Father , she told herself .

  17. 我的父亲大人把你的尸体用深红色的斗篷包着把你放在你姐姐的旁边,铁王座的脚下,作为送给新王的礼物。

    My lord father wrapped your corpse in a crimson cloak and laid you down beside your sister at the foot of the Iron Throne , his gift to the new king .

  18. 那天父亲大人又是很晚才来用饭,艾莉亚看得出他又跟朝廷闹意见了。

    Her father had been fighting with the council again . Arya could see it on his face when he came to table , late again , as he had been so often .

  19. “父亲大人,我很好。”布兰应答,他抬头仰望父亲,父亲穿著毛皮大衣和皮革护甲,骑在雄骏战马上如同巨人般笼罩住他。

    Are you well , Bran ? he asked , not unkindly . Yes , Father , Bran told him . He looked up . Wrapped in his furs and leathers , mounted on his great warhorse , his lord father loomed over him like a giant .

  20. 他梦见了他的领主父亲和裹尸布大人。

    He dreamt of his lord father and the Shrouded Lord .

  21. 您的父亲委任提利昂大人代其履行首相一职

    Your father has named Lord Tyrion to serve as Hand in his stead .

  22. 您父亲任命提利昂大人。在他作战时代行首相之职。

    Your father has named Lord Tyrion to serve as Hand in his stead while he fights .