
  • 网络City Impression
  1. 传统文化在城市印象招贴设计中的运用

    Traditional Culture Apply of in the City Impression Post Design

  2. 你对济宁这座城市印象如何?

    You of jining city impression ?

  3. 城市印象坠入重庆ZT

    The Impression of the City Lost in Chongqing ZT

  4. 外国游客无一不对该城市印象深刻。

    The sights of the city never fail to impress foreign tourists .

  5. 其中,城市印象海报设计对城市形象的创建发挥着不可或缺的重要作用。

    City impression poster design plays an indispensable role in creating the image of the city .

  6. 城市印象海报用一种创造性的视觉语言,展现了一个城市的文化特色。

    City impression posters use a creative visual language to show the culture of a city .

  7. 增强城市印象性创造适居环境&对哈尔滨城市建设的分析和展望

    Enhance city impression and create livable environment & Analysis and vista of civil construction of Harbin

  8. 生活之城&加拿大西部城市印象

    A City for Living

  9. “到目前为止你对这个城市印象如何?”她问道。“我觉得它讨厌透了,”我答道。

    ' What do you think of the town so far ? 'she asked . 'i think it stinks , 'i replied .

  10. 本文对城市印象海报进行了分类,总结出城市印象海报具有时代性、文化性、地域性的特征。

    This paper classify the city impression posters based on different themes and summarize city impression posters with the times , culture and regional characteristics .

  11. 我喜欢海报以“城砖”为背景,用事物来反映文字的表现形式,非常切合城市印象这个主题。

    I like the versatile'building block'aspect of this poster set and the use of text as concrete object , a good fit for the topic of urban impressions .

  12. 滨水景观是一种独特的线状景观,是形成城市印象的主要构成元素之一,极具景观美学价值。

    Waterfront landscape is a kind of special linear landscape , it forms one of the main constitution elements of urban impression , and possesses great scenic aesthetics value .

  13. 阿尼尔是非常正确他对城市的印象。

    Anil was quite right about his impression of the city .

  14. 圣彼得堡城市环境印象

    Impression of the Environment of St. Petersburg impression E City

  15. 莫斯科城市景观印象

    Impression on the Landscape of Moscow

  16. 这个约定听起来很合理,公主殿下,小裁缝咧嘴笑着说。记者:公主殿下对所访问的城市中印象最深的是哪一个呢?

    That sounds like a reasonable deal , Your Highness , @ said the little tailor with a grin .

  17. 记者:公主殿下对所访问的城市中印象最深的是哪一个呢?

    J : Which of the cities that you visited did your Highness enjoy the most ? A : Each in its own way was unforgettable .

  18. 人们对城市的印象通常来自于对城市老街区的感受,而城市老街也是非常重要的城市公共空间之一,为我们提供宜人、健康、舒适、儒雅的生活场所,是我们所有行为活动的发生载体。

    People in the city to city from impression usually feel older streets in the city , and the old city is also very important one for urban public space , we provide comfortable and healthy , comfortable , elegant , is the life of all our activities .

  19. 跟我们谈谈您对这个城市的总体印象。

    Tell us your overall impression of the city .

  20. 英国城市规划建设印象

    View of City Planning and Construction in Britain

  21. 恰好有亲戚寄来一个食品包裹,这稍稍改善了我的情绪。然而我们对这座城市的最初印象并不好。

    The arrival of a food parcel from relatives improved my mood somewhat but initial impressions of the city were not good .

  22. 今天的主题与我在成都10个月的生活经历正好符合,所以我愿意与你们一起分享我对成都这座城市的美好印象。

    Since the topic really fits my10 month experience living in Chengdu , so what I 'd to share with you today are such some of examples of my good impressions about Chengdu .

  23. 福州城市中心区可印象性分析

    The image of the city center of Fuzhou

  24. 你如果只去参观大学,你就会对这个城市获得错误的印象。

    You 'll get a false impression of the town if you only visit the university .

  25. 六位艺术家们以现实中的城市元素再现了他们对城市的印象以及感受,构筑了充满想像力以及令人惊奇的虚拟城市。

    Six artists demonstrated how they felt toward the city with urban elements that they acquired in reality ; hence , they established wondrous virtual cities that were full of imagination .

  26. 城市规划中的几个问题&西柏林城市建设印象与联想

    Impressions of Urban Planning of Western Berlin

  27. 人们可以透过对城市广场空问的读解和感受,得到城市的一般印象与记忆。

    With looking and feeling for square space , people could get a usual urban image and memory .

  28. 我希望你们将有机会分享和拥有休斯顿经验,带着我们城市的精神,活力,和描绘我们的城市传统的难忘印象。

    I hope that you will have an opportunity to share in the Houston experience , taking with you lasting impressions of the spirit , vitality , and tradition that characterize our city .

  29. 他的机智的话让我微笑:是的,S市的确是一个虚拟的城市,来源于我对所有的摩登但是冷漠的大城市的印象。

    I smiled at his witty words . Yes , S city is just an imagined city , created from my opinions about those big , modern but spiritually derelict cities .

  30. 通过对哈尔滨城市建设的分析和展望,从几个方面探索了城市建设中创造印象性强、适居性强的城市的思路和设计理念。

    Through analyzing and looking forward to the civil construction of Harbin the idea and the design concept of enhancing city impression and creating livable environment are discussed .