
cóng jīn yǐ hòu
  • from now on;henceforth;from this day on;henceforward
从今以后[cóng jīn yǐ hòu]
  1. 从今以后,你就得独自谋生了。

    You 're going to have to shift for yourself from now on .

  2. 从今以后你自由了。

    From now on you are free .

  3. 我意识到从今以后我的生活将会多么艰难。

    I realised how hard life was going to be for me hereafter .

  4. 从今以后,选票数量未达到总数5%的党派将不能在议会里占有席位。

    Henceforth , parties which fail to get 5 % of the vote will not be represented in parliament

  5. 我从今以后要按自己的意思来处理我的一切事务。

    I will manage all my affairs myself in my own from this day on .

  6. 从今以后他的生活将不再像从前一样。

    Henceforth his life would never be the same again .

  7. 从今以后你别再惹麻烦,我再也不会出面帮你;我就让你付罚款,或者去坐牢。显然这里习惯用语keepyournoseclean意思是不招惹麻烦。

    From now on , keep your nose clean or I 'll just stand back and let you get fined and maybe get sent to jail .

  8. 为了报答老师,我从今以后一定会好好学好会计,争取考过CPA!

    In order to repay her , I resolve to learn CPA well and pass the exam !

  9. 应用开发公司AppetizerMobile首席执行官乔丹埃德尔森表示:从今以后,谷歌就是一家数据公司。

    Google , at the end of the day , is a data company , said Jordan Edelson , chief executive of Appetizer Mobile , an app development company .

  10. 近日,瑞银(UBS)首席执行官塞尔吉奥埃尔默蒂(SergioErmotti)向所有为他工作的银行家表示,从今以后他们就算出错也没什么关系。

    Last week the chief executive of UBS told all the bankers who work for him that henceforth it was OK for them to make mistakes .

  11. 从今以后,我们一定要小心不去惹她了。

    Hereafter , we must be cautious how we vex her .

  12. 可她决心从今以后要努力了。

    But she 's determined to work hard from now on .

  13. 从今以后,我要做个好男人!

    From now on , I will be a good man !

  14. 从今以后,我每天早晨早起。

    From now on I 'll get up early every morning .

  15. 从今以后,我会避免。

    From now on , I 'll restrain from these acts .

  16. 从今以后你们就不能再说你们的语言。

    Hereafter , you will not speak in your native tongue .

  17. “从今以后这座花园是你们的了,”他向他们说。

    The garden is yours now , @ he tells them .

  18. 我得罪了天,又得罪了你;从今以后,我不配称为你的儿子。

    I am no longer worthy to be called your son .

  19. 从今以后,我每天都要运动。

    From now on , I will do exercises every day .

  20. 从今以后,大门在午夜将会被锁上。

    From now on the gates will be locked at midnight .

  21. 从今以后我只想靠在伱的肩膀哭泣。

    My prince I just want to cry on your shoulder !

  22. 从今以后他不会再犯同样的错误。

    He won 't make the same mistake again in future .

  23. 从今以后,你们可以以自己的心愿去研究了。

    From now on , you may study on your own .

  24. 我发誓从今以后,我发誓!

    I promise , promise from now on ,( from now on )

  25. 从今以后,所有新的政府建筑物都会采用高能源效益设计。

    All new Government buildings will be designed for high energy efficiency .

  26. 从今以后你得叫我老大。

    You have to call me chief from now on .

  27. 从今以后我要求每个人都准时上班。

    In future I want everyone to get to work on time .

  28. 从今以后,我会做任何你想做的事。

    I 'll do whatever you want from now on .

  29. 推算出了从今以后两年内的行动。

    Calculates the subsequent moves up to two years in a row .

  30. 从今以后,她就是我们的女王。

    She 's our queen from this day until her last day .