
bèi jiào yòng hù
  • Called user;called party
被叫用户[bèi jiào yòng hù]
  1. 为便于演示,在系统中加入了主被叫用户控制;

    To illustrate more conveniently , users control parts are added to the system ;

  2. 它还允许根据被叫用户预约数据进行无条件反向计费。

    It also allows for unconditional reversal of the call charging based on subscription data related to the called user .

  3. 该项业务由被叫用户申请,可以根据不同的主叫用户分类提供不同的回铃音,提供一种基于不同主、被叫的差异化的多彩回铃服务。

    This service is applied by the called subscriber and may provide different ring-back tones according to the classification of different callers .

  4. 该接口利用微型计算机技术从HJ&921型交换机的公共控制设备采集,并向农村支局自动交换机转发被叫用户号码。

    Making use of microcomputer techniques , the interface collects information from common control exchange HJ-921 and repeats called subscriber number to rural telephone exchange .

  5. 早期的电话,所有接线工作全部由电话局里的话务员手工操作。有被叫用户指示器的电话局

    In the early days of the telephone , operators working in the exchange made all the connections between callers by hand . call indicator exchange

  6. 呼叫速度慢,并且不能保证主叫用户快速、准确地找到需要接听的被叫用户;

    The dialing is slow and the system can 't ensure the calling party fast and accurately put through the called one who is asked for receiving .

  7. 有被叫用户指示器的电话局呼叫存储器有时也叫进程存储器,程序存储器有时也叫指令和翻译存储器。

    Sometimes the call store is referred to as the process store and the program store is referred to as the instruction and translation store to better describe their functions .

  8. 有被叫用户指示器的电话局反向发送的一种信号,表示呼叫已排入等待队列(因为被叫用户忙,但装有预占设备)。

    A signal sent in the backward direction to indicate that the call has been placed in a waiting queue because the called subscriber is busy but has the camp on facility .

  9. 彩铃业务是一项由被叫用户定制,为主叫用户提供一段悦耳的音乐或一句问候语来替代普通回铃音的业务。

    CRBT ( Color Ring Back Tone ) is a service that customized by the recipient user , providing a piece of pleasant music or salutation to replace ordinary ring back tone .