
  1. 他钻进被窝开始读书。

    He got into bed and started to read .

  2. 根据BBC频道《科学聚焦》栏目的解释,和你对着干的可能正是你那舒适的被窝。

    As the BBC 's Science Focus explains , the coziness of your covers could be working against you .

  3. 剩下那些不幸的人,失望的人在不温暖的被窝里悲泣自己的命运

    The rest were disappointed , miserable creatures in unwarm beds , tearfully bemoaning their fate .

  4. 在此之前,要想治感冒,你只能请一天病假,坐在被窝里喝点热的、养养病了。

    Until then , a duvet day with a mug of something warm is about all you can do .

  5. 利比亚的NaimaStar写道:早上很早离开温暖的被窝是非常困难的,尤其是在寒冷的冬天。

    And Naima Star in Libya wrote : Getting up so early in the morning and leaving the warm bed is so difficult , especially in the cold weather .

  6. 我猜得把它放我被窝里才行。

    I guess it 'll have to sleep in my bed .

  7. 永远要小心,你要钻进的被窝里有谁。

    Always be careful about who you get in bed with .

  8. 你需要一个温暖的被窝和一瓶热水。

    You need a warm bed and a bottle of hot water .

  9. 是什么造成大家这么早就得爬出被窝呢?

    What has caused people to crawl out of bed so early ?

  10. 同时发现妻子的被窝还是空着的。

    And I found that my wife 's bedclothes were still empty .

  11. 我喜欢躲在被窝里看小说!

    I like to hide in bed reading a novel !

  12. 我很心痛的偷偷流着眼泪(在被窝里)。

    I was grieved secretly with the tears ( in bed ) .

  13. 我穿上睡衣,钻进被窝。

    I put on my pajamas and got into bed .

  14. 晚上在被窝里用手电筒看《天桥》。

    And reading runway under the covers at night with a flashlight .

  15. 奇切斯特稳稳地钻进被窝,睡了一觉。

    Chichester calmly got into bed and went to sleep .

  16. 她偷偷溜进被窝里,闭上了眼睛。

    She slid under the quilt and closed her eyes .

  17. 九点以前我们都舒舒服服钻进了被窝。

    By nine o'clock we had all tucked into bed .

  18. 到十点半时他已钻进被窝睡觉了。

    By ten thirty , he had already got between the sheets .

  19. 被窝是青春的坟墓。

    Whenever you are blue , just think of me .

  20. 祈祷以后,我往往就钻进被窝,

    After saying my prayers I would wrap myself up in the bedclothes .

  21. 我为自己冲了一大杯可可,然后就钻进被窝。

    I made myself a large mug of cocoa and went to bed .

  22. 躺在热被窝里很舒服。

    It felt good to be in warm bed .

  23. 她钻进被窝,躺在他身旁。

    She crept in beside him under the bedclothes .

  24. 他把被窝掀开&孩子不见了!

    He threw back the covers-the boy was gone !

  25. 我想要在被窝下爬行,乘早入睡。

    I wanted to crawl under the covers and go right to sleep .

  26. 茱丽:绝对不可能!现在快离开你的被窝,懒虫!

    Julie : Absolutely not ! Now get out of bed lazy pants .

  27. 我先把手从暖和的被窝中伸出来

    my hand had reached out of the warm quilt

  28. 一想起这一点就促使我从被窝爬了起来。

    This thought prodded me out of bed .

  29. 缩在我这温暖柔软的被窝里

    To cuddle in my nice , soft bed

  30. 内森,让这个虔诚的基督教徒回到他的暖被窝里面吧。

    Nathan , let the good Christian man go back to his warm bed .