
  • 网络Controlled variable;Control variables;manipulated variable
  1. 即控制器不会为维持被控变量在设定值而作决断。

    That is , the controller is not making decision of how to maintain the controlled variable at set point .

  2. 对工业窑炉,尤其是玻璃池炉,由于被控变量的时间滞后,而调控的输入变量易受干扰。

    For Industrial furnace , especially for glass furnace , its controlled variable is lagging and its input variable is vulnerable to disturbing .

  3. 该策略具有如下的特点:在原有的PI控制器中加入一个前馈回路以便在直流系统2个控制端的被控变量间实现协调控制;

    A feed-forward loop is added to original PI controller to realize the coordinated control between the two controlled variables at the two control ends .

  4. 本文提出基于系统稳态模型的模型自适应MPC策略,利用稳态模型在不同操作点上被控变量对操纵变量及扰动变量的相对变化率的变化,来刷新RMPCT控制器中各通道的模型增益。

    The Model Adaptive Strategy for Multivariable Model Predictive Control based on system steady model is proposed , by the relative gain variation of controlled variables to manipulated variables and disturbance variables based on the system steady model , the channel 's gain of transfer functions are modified .

  5. 针对实际过程控制系统中某些被控变量没有设定值要求只有区域目标约束要求这一特点,提出一种带有输出区域目标特性的多变量预测控制算法(ZMMPC)。

    A multi-variable model predictive control algorithm with output zone goals ( ZMMPC ) is proposed as some controlled variables have no set-point requests but only a zone constraint goal in the practical process control ( systems . )

  6. 锅炉汽包水位是其中一个重要的被控变量。

    The drum water-level is an important variable to be controlled .

  7. 两种控制方法以塔顶产品的液相轻组分浓度为被控变量,回流比为控制量。

    In this paper , the controlled object is concentration of distillate , reflux ratio is selected as the manipulated variable .

  8. 通过多变量解耦控制系统被控变量的函数,对给定值和外部干扰进行分析;

    Through the function of controled variable in a multi-variable decoupling control system , the given values and interference are analyzed .

  9. 多变量控制系统的操作变量为供热量和进水量,被控变量为消化温度和消化污泥排出浓度。

    A multivariable control system has been developed which manipulates heat addition and inflow so as to control digestion temperature and effluent substrate concentration .

  10. 针对一类被控变量不能直接连续测量的复杂系统,提出一种自适应模糊控制方法。

    An adaptive fuzzy controller is presented for a class of complicated system in which the controlled variables cannot be continuously measured on line .

  11. 这就意味着这些变量仅当未来的预测值超出区间时才被看作被控变量。

    This means that these outputs will be treated as controlled variables only when the predicted future values lie outside the boundary of the specified zone .

  12. 工业生产中比较常见的控制目的是维持被控变量等于设定值,即设定值控制。

    As a more common control object in the industrial process , set point control is to maintain the controlled variable be equal to the set point .

  13. 该特性易引起回路被控变量的振荡,从而降低回路的控制性能。据统计,控制回路振荡原因中20%-30%是由气动执行阀粘滞特性造成的。

    Stiction always causes oscillations in control loops which reduces the control loop performance . 30 % of the control loops are oscillatory due to control valve stiction .

  14. 以各室内温度和吸气压力为被控变量分别调节电子膨胀阀开度和压缩机转速,提出了一种鲁棒自适应两级模糊比例-积分-微分控制器并进行了仿真。

    The indoor temperatures were taken as the controlled variables to regulate the openings of individual EEV and the suction pressure was taken to modulate the speed of compressor .

  15. 增加测点等,为实施先进控制打好基础。设计反应再生部分鲁棒多变量预估控制器,首先确定控制目标,再确定操纵变量、被控变量和干扰变量。

    As for the design of robust multivariable predicting controller for reaction regeneration system , the control targets must be determined prior to operating variables , controlled variables and disturbance variables .

  16. 液位是液体介质在容器内的液面所在的相对位置。液位控制就是以液位作为被控变量的控制系统。

    In this paper , chaotic behaviors of a liquid level control system are analyzed , and the tracking control method is used to control chaotic motions in the liquid level control system .

  17. 因此,如何衡量变量之间的耦合作用强弱,并依据耦合作用分析对操纵变量和被控变量进行配对,是多变量系统控制器设计的重要步骤。

    Therefore , how to measure the interactions among variables and pair the manipulated variables with output variables based on the interaction analysis has become an important task in designing controllers for multivariable systems .

  18. 同时,对划分的子系统做了的分析,根据实际情况确定相关的控制变量与被控变量,将实际的精馏变负荷最优化操作问题转化成为最优化的数学问题。

    Meanwhile , the analysis of the subsystems was done and the relevant control variables and controlled variable were determined . Then the practical problem was transformed into a mathematical optimization problem . 3 .

  19. 冷连轧动态规格变换过程实现控制的主要困难在于冷轧过程中厚度、张力等被控变量之间的相互耦合作用。

    The key to control flying gage change ( FGC ) on a tandem cold mill is to deal with the intercoupling between the process variables , such as thickness , stress and so on .

  20. 在这个控制方案中,导流槽出口液渣温度须进行测量,并作为主被控变量,导流槽中电极的电流也须进行测量,并作为副被控变量。

    In the feedback control loop the liquid slag temperature at outlet of flow deflector is measured which used as primary controlled variable and the current in electrode is measured which used as secondary controlled variable .

  21. 当被控变量位于大偏差区时,连续调整控制率使控制作用加强,以便被控变量尽快回到小偏差区,从而加快控制系统的调节过程。

    If the controlled variable lies in the big error area , the controller is regulated and the control action is strengthened such that controlled variable s return to the small error area as soon as possible .

  22. 其中以排风温度为主被控变量,进行蒸汽阀门开度粗调;进风温度为副被控变量,进行蒸汽阀门开度的辅助微调。

    Exhaust temperature is as the main controlled variable to regulate the steam valve opening coarsely ; inlet air temperature is as the deputy variable to regulate the steam valve opening subtly , for fine-tuning of the steam valve opening .

  23. 锅炉是工业过程中不可缺少的动力设备,为确保安全,稳定生产,对锅炉的自动控制十分重要,其中汽包水位就是一个非常重要的被控变量。

    Boiler is a necessary power equipment in the process of industry . In order to ensure the production and security , the auto - control of boiler is very important . The drum water level is an important variable to be controlled .

  24. 针对生产过程控制系统中经常出现的问题及要求(被控变量失控,优化操作变量,保证产品质量、卡边操作等)给出了一种实用的协调控制策略。

    Abstract An usefull coordinated control scheme for the problems and requirements ( such as variable runaway , operating variable optimized , products quality guaranteed and critical operation , etc ) that frequently crops up in production process control system is given out .

  25. 回转窑是水泥制造工业中重要的生产设备,为了确保生产质量,对回转窑运行过程进行控制十分重要,其中窑内温度是非常关键的被控变量。

    Rotary kiln is the main production equipment in cement production , thus the automatic control of it , especially of the temperature inside the kiln , a vital controlled variable , is of great importance to guarantee the quality and stabilize the production .

  26. 其次,在研究多频自校正广义预测控制算法的过程中,通过单频模型和多频模型的转换,充分利用被控变量的检测信息,改进了多频自校正广义预测控制算法。

    Secondly , during the study of multirate self-tuning generalized predictive control ( GPC ), applying the transition between the multirate model and the single-rate model , taking full use of the message of the controlled variable , the improved multirate GPC algorithm is proposed .

  27. 通过液位控制实验装置回路和阀位的不同组合,能够使被控对象具有多变量、有耦合、有干扰、多种工况等各种情况。

    By the combination of the different loops and valve position , the system is a multivariable , coupling , disturbance and multiple working condition controlled object .

  28. 合理的选择了L2-增益性能指标,将被控系统各个状态变量的跟踪误差和神经网络各权值的跟踪误差看作整个控制系统的各个状态变量。

    The performance indicator of L2-gain is chosen . The tracking errors of the states of the controlled system and the weights of the neural networks are taken as the state variables of the whole control system .

  29. 随着现代工业生产的发展,生产过程日趋大型化、复杂化,工作点的变化范围大,使得完全通过机理模型来了解被控过程中各变量之间的关系变得更加困难,且成本很高。

    With the rapid development of modern industry , large scale , quite complex and wide operating regime are presented in most production processes . Understanding the relationship among all kinds of variables of industry process through the first principle model has been becoming more and more difficult .