
  • 网络binary translation
  1. 二进制翻译(BinaryTranslation)是实现高性能虚拟机的关键技术,它对源机器的二进制机器代码进行转换后使其运行在目标机器上。

    Binary Translation , which translates the source machine code to target , is the key techology that implements virtual machine .

  2. 本文提出一种基于动态二进制翻译优化的可扩展处理器结构VISA。

    This paper presents VISA , a scalable processor architecture based on dynamic binary translation ( BT ) and optimization .

  3. 本文介绍了我所在二进制翻译研究组设计并实现的两个应用程序级的二进制翻译器:DigitalBridge和DigitalBridgeV2。

    We design and implement two application-level binary translators : Digital Bridge and Digital Bridge V2 .

  4. 深入研究了动态二进制翻译和优化中热点代码发掘问题,提出了适合翻译和优化使用,基于硬件实现的profiling方案-CSP。

    The discovery of hot code is the first step of translation and optimization .

  5. 当前二进制翻译中通用的main函数定位方法依赖于符号表,随着strip工具的普遍应用,二进制可执行文件中往往不存在符号表。

    Nowadays , the common method of addressing the entry point of main relies on symbol table . With the widely use of strip utility , the binary file does not contain symbol table anymore .

  6. 研究内容主要包括:整个动态二进制翻译系统的软硬件划分、软件与硬件之间如何实现高效的通信、以及硬件如何高效地收集profile信息。

    The main contents of this thesis include : the hardware-software partition of the whole CrossBit , how to communicate efficiently between hardware and software , and how to collect efficiently profile information .

  7. 然后介绍了我们设计并实现的二进制翻译系统ITA及其关键技术。

    Then the binary translation system ITA , which is developed by us , is introduced .

  8. 因此,本文利用二进制翻译技术并结合CPU和GPU新型异构体系结构来提高传统串行程序的执行性能。

    Therefore , this paper uses binary translation technology and the new heterogeneous architecture of CPU and GPU to improve the performance of many traditional serial programs running on CPU .

  9. 针对使用c后端的静态二进制翻译框架,提出并实现间接过程调用恢复方法,该方法结合代码间隙分析,在后端c代码生成过程中插入映射源过程地址到目标机过程地址的代码。

    For the static binary translation of using c language as backend , this paper put forward a technique of analyzing the gap code and plugging codes into the target programs that searching the target procedure address basing on the source procedure address .

  10. 介绍了静态二进制翻译系统ITA中基于控制流和数据流分析的函数返回类型恢复技术,并给出相应的实现算法。

    The technology of recover function return type in ITA binary translator , which is based on the control-flow and data-flow , was introduced , and the corresponding algorithm was also proposed .

  11. 多孔预制件对TiC/Ni3Al复合材料孔隙率的影响动态二进制翻译中数据预取优化研究

    EFFECT OF POROUS PREFORMS ON POROSITY OF PREPARED TiC / Ni_3Al COMPOSITES Data prefetch optimization in dynamic binary translation

  12. 实现了静态二进制翻译系统ITA,对静态二进制翻译方法进行了深入地探索,为进一步研究二进制翻译技术搭建了有用的实验平台。

    We design and implement a static binary translator : ITA , with which we do our research on static binary translation , it can be used as the experimental platform for the deeper research on binary translation technique .

  13. 针对动态二进制翻译,本文提出了若干种优化方案:提高在目标机器上模拟源机器标志位效率的EfLA算法;

    To implement dynamic binary translation effectively , several optimized methods come up in this thesis : EfLA algorithm to enhance the efficiency of emulating the condition code of the source platform on target platform ;

  14. 通过矩阵乘法实验表明,静态二进制翻译系统SBTG翻译生成的并行程序不仅能正确执行传统串行程序的功能,而且执行速度比传统串行程序要快。

    Through the matrix multiplication results show that the parallel program which is generated by the static binary translation system SBTG not only properly perform the function of traditional serial program , but also its execution speed faster than the implementation of traditional serial procedures .

  15. 二进制翻译可以理解为一种特殊的编译技术。

    Binary translation can be regarded as a special compiling technology .

  16. 二进制翻译技术现已成为实现软件移植的重要手段。

    Binary translation has become an important way for software migration .

  17. 面向动态二进制翻译的动态优化和微处理器体系结构支撑技术研究

    Dynamic Optimization and Microprocessor Architecture Support for Dynamic Binary Translation

  18. 二进制翻译中解释器指令缓冲区管理策略分析

    Performance Analysis of Instruction Buffer Management in the Interpreter in Binary Translation

  19. 一个用户级动态二进制翻译系统的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of a Dynamic User-Level Binary Translation System

  20. 基于动态二进制翻译的龙芯虚拟机中数据预取优化研究

    Data Prefetching Optimization Research in Dynamic Binary Translation Based Loongson Virtual Machine

  21. 用于航空电子系统升级的二进制翻译系统

    A Binary - Translation System for Avionics System Upgrade

  22. 面向微处理器设计的动态二进制翻译技术研究

    Research on Dynamic Binary Translation Technology for Microprocessor Design

  23. 二进制翻译中的函数返回类型恢复技术

    Technology of recovering function return type in binary translation

  24. 静态二进制翻译中间接过程调用恢复技术研究

    Recovery of indirect procedure call for static binary translation

  25. 翻译单元的构造对动态二进制翻译系统的性能有着重要影响。

    Construction of translation units deeply affects the performance of binary translation systems .

  26. 二进制翻译中的库函数识别技术研究

    Study of library functions recognizing technology in binary translation

  27. 二进制翻译关键技术研究

    Research on Design and Optimization of Binary Translation System

  28. 二进制翻译中的标志位优化技术

    Two Condition Code Optimization Approaches in Binary Translation

  29. 构建基于动态二进制翻译技术的进程虚拟机

    Building Process Virtual Machine via Dynamic Binary Translation

  30. 二进制翻译技术是用软件方法解决代码移植问题的重要手段。

    Binary translation is an important technique to resolve the problem of code migration .