
  • 网络second century;Century Two
  1. 二世纪,这种制度普及到更多地方。

    That starts happening in more places in the second century .

  2. 就在这个时候,他们发现了公元二世纪时的墓地。

    It was then that they discovered the second century necropolis .

  3. 二世纪仍然有这些犹太教堂。

    And these Jewish churches are still there in the second century .

  4. 告诉我,现在几世纪?二世纪

    Hey , tell me , what century is this ? Second .

  5. 在第二世纪,出现了一些很重要的发展。

    In the third century you have developments that are very important .

  6. 因此在二世纪发生了一些重大变化。

    The second century therefore sees some important changes .

  7. 但二世纪以后,就变得,越来越少了。

    We gradually see them become less and less visible after the second century .

  8. 这些联系在二世纪,也开始变得更紧密。

    These connections start coming a bit more networked in the second century also .

  9. 小小的贝壳装饰着一位公元二世纪的罗马妇女的侧面。

    Tiny shells spangle the profile of a young Roman woman of the second century A.D.

  10. 二世纪还有其他的发展,正在发生。

    We 've already seen some other things in the second century that are going on .

  11. 在公元一世纪或者二世纪的时候,那里就立有一座用来保卫港口的狮子雕塑。

    From the first or second century , it was guarded by a statue of a lion .

  12. 诺斯替主义,是公元二世纪希腊&罗马内的一个显著的哲学和宗教运动。

    Gnosticism , is a philosophical and religious movement prominent in the Greco-Roman world in the 2nd century AD.

  13. 休曼最重要的发现是公元前二世纪的宙斯祭坛。

    Humann 's most important discovery was the altar of Zeus , which dates from the second century BC .

  14. 在二世纪还出现了第一批,我们能真正称之为基督哲学家的人。

    You also have in the second century the first people that we really can say are Christian philosophers .

  15. 各种不同的文书在早期基督教中涌现,大部分出现于主后二世纪。

    So all of these different texts sprang up in early Christianity , most of them in the second century .

  16. 在二世纪确实还有一些追随耶稣的犹太人;,他们视耶稣为弥赛亚。

    In the second century we do have some Jews who follow Jesus ; they take Jesus to be the Messiah .

  17. 我们还看到在二世纪,基督教堂开始,模仿罗马的政治和社会结构。

    We 've also seen how Christian churches start , in the second century , imitating Roman political and social structures .

  18. 因此在主后二世纪时有些正统基督徒,也会用诺斯替来称呼自己。

    There are even orthodox Christians who might use the term Gnostic in the second century to refer even to themselves .

  19. 碑铭、肖像的证据,还有参考文献表明,虔诚的有神论在公元前二世纪浮现。

    Inscriptions , iconographic evidence , and literary references point to the emergence of devotional theism in the 2nd century BC .

  20. 从二世纪的罗马圆形竞技场和古罗马神殿遗址,不难看出这一古代的迦太基首都仍然保留着它辉煌的过去。

    From Roma Colosseothe of2th Century to Temple Site , it is easy to find the splendent foretime of Carthage capital .

  21. 因此基督教护教士,在二世纪写辩解书,维护基督教,抵抗这些攻击。

    You have Christian apologists , therefore , writing apologies in the second century , trying to defend Christianity against these attacks .

  22. 首先,我说过,基督教,到二世纪仍然是很多样化,而且它确实得到了成长。

    First , as I 've said , Christianity is still remarkably diverse even in the second century , and it does grow .

  23. 他花了一些时间寻找题目,最终选定了罗马帝国的第二世纪。

    For some time he looked about for a subject , and at last decided on the second century of the Roman Empire .

  24. 实际上教规采用了二世纪早期常用的格式,而这一格式在现今天主教圣经中仍普遍存在。

    It was already defined by common use by the early2nd century in the form in which it is still found in Catholic Bibles .

  25. 主后二世纪是大量未被列入圣经的,基督教文学在不同地方涌现的时期。

    The second century was a time of a lot of Christian literature arising in different places that didn 't make it into the Bible .

  26. 他们在二世纪也非常活跃,后来奥古斯丁这样的人,要和这些人作斗争。

    They were very active in the second century also , and then people like Augustine would later have to sort of fight with these people .

  27. 在这尊公元二世纪左右的石像石雕上,描绘的是佛祖的足迹和其他一些佛教象征的符号。该石像曾于斯瓦特山谷被盗,后来辗转流落到了美国。

    The 2nd Century piece , depicting Buddha 's footprints alongside religious symbols , was taken from the Swat Valley and eventually smuggled into the US .

  28. 由于得到学校“第二世纪开拓计划”的部分资助,该学者的加入将进一步加强乔治亚州立大学关于中国研究的跨领域研究的能力。

    Partially funded by the University 's Second Century Initiative , this scholar will further strengthen the interdisciplinary focus on Chinese studies at Georgia State University .

  29. 在公元二世纪到五世纪之间,人们把文字写在竹片或木片上,再把它们捆扎起来而成为书籍。

    Between the second and the fifth centuries AD people wrote on pieces of bamboo or wood and these were tied together to form a book .

  30. 所以他是在二世纪末写的,把基督教义包装得,很像一门哲学。

    So he 's writing at the end of the second century , again , making Christianity into something that looks much more like a philosophy .