
  • 网络TeamViewer;TeamViewer QuickSupport;RealVNC Enterprise;Dameware Mini Remote Control;NetSarang Xmanager Enterprise
  1. 本论文的远程控制软件采用Visualc++6.0提供的MFC类库来编写,同时采用大量的WindowsAPI函数实现各种远程控制功能。

    The application software of remote-control is designed by MFC of Visual C + + 6.0 , and the different roles of remote-control are realized by using many Windows API functions .

  2. 系统中接入控制设备和远程控制软件实现SIP用户代理功能,从而提供接入SIP系统的能力。

    The access control equipment and the remote control software in this system achieve SIP user agent function , and thereby providing the ability to access SIP system .

  3. 采用虚拟专用网(VPN)的隧道安全技术,结合远程控制软件,提出一种通过Internet公网对设备及监控系统进行远程维护和诊断的新方法。

    This paper presents a new method of implementing remote maintenance and diagnosis through the Internet for large equipments and monitoring systems . The method is based on tunnel security technology of virtual private network with the aid of remote control software .

  4. 在过程控制系统中,分析和设计一种基于第三方远程控制软件VNC,实施一种非常有效并可实际应用的监控和管理方案,进一步拓展过程控制系统的应用手段和分析环境。

    This paper analyzes and designs an effective and practical supervision and control scheme in the system of process control based on the third software VNC of distant control , further develops applying artifice and analytic environment in the process control system .

  5. 教学机器人三维仿真与远程控制软件实现

    3D Simulation of Remote Control Software for the Edu - Robot

  6. 所有这些发展都为远程控制软件提供了一个广阔的天地。

    The all development provider a wide space for remote control software .

  7. 可变传输速率的远程控制软件的实现

    Realization of Remote Control Software With Dynamic Transfer Speed

  8. 运用远程控制软件维护铁路信息系统

    Maintaining Railway Information System used remote control software

  9. 为此,通过对屏幕图像压缩率的动态调整实现了可变传输速率的远程控制软件。

    The software with dynamic transfer speed was implemented through adjusting dynamically compression ratio of the screen images .

  10. 介绍了运用远程控制软件远程维护铁路信息系统的解决办法,并举例说明。

    It was given examples , which introduced the solutions of remotely maintaining Railway Information Systems used remote control software .

  11. 最后,阐述了多媒体教室远程控制软件系统的功能、工作原理以及具体的实现方法。

    Finally , the function , principle and on-site implementation of the soft system of multimedia-classroom remote control are clarified in detail .

  12. 详细讨论了通用远程控制软件的设计需求以及实现远程控制安全性和可靠性的措施。

    As a common used control software , the design principals of both security and reliability are used in the design of system .

  13. 最后,设计数据采集系统的远程控制软件平台和数据分析处理软件平台。

    Finally , the remote control software platform and the data analysis & process software platform for the data acquisition system are designed and accomplished .

  14. 然而远程控制软件通常由不同的公司开发,采用的通讯协议也不同,具有不同的管理控制方式。

    However , remote control softwares are usually developed by different companies , using different communication protocols , and the managements are not the same .

  15. 异地工作的用户可以利用远程控制软件连接办公室的计算机,实现远程文件检索;

    The users far away from offices can dial up to the computers in the offices by the software of remote-control , and realize the remote-file-retrieve .

  16. 为了接收海底观测网科学仪器采集的数据,控制科学仪器的运行,需要为每类科学仪器研制远程控制软件。

    In order to receive data from scientific instruments and control scientific instruments in an undersea observatory network , remote control software is required to be developed for each scientific instrument .

  17. 第四章分析了信号传输方案的可行性,并对通讯系统的硬件结构和软件编程作了详细的说明,最后介绍了远程控制软件的开发过程。

    In chapter 4 , we analyse the feasibility of signal transmission scheme and explain the hardware and software of communication system in detail , finally introduce the long-distance control program .

  18. 市面上也有一些远程控制软件,但多数只是实现了远程关机、上传下载文件、控制鼠标等类似的简单命令;

    There are some remote control softwares in market , most of them just achieved some simple function , for example , turning off the computer , downloading some files , control the mouse and keyboard .

  19. 基于UML的远程家电控制软件系统的设计

    Design of remote-appliance-controlling Software system on UML

  20. 总部位于米兰的窃听软件开发商HackingTeam展示了自己的远程控制间谍软件,该软件可以窃听加密通讯、Skype通话及即时通信工具上的聊天。

    Hacking Team , a Milan-based maker of eavesdropping software , demonstrated its remotely controlled spyware that can tap encrypted communications , Skype calls and instant messenger chats .

  21. 基于异步串行通信技术的远程通信控制软件的实现

    Implementation of a Kind of Remote Communication Control System Based on Serial Communication

  22. 圣方超能电器远程控制应用软件设计

    Application Software Design of Remote-control for Super Instrument

  23. 软件设计方面,开发了基于多任务、高性能、高效率的跨平台远程控制系统软件。

    The software was designed on the requirement of multitask , high performance , real-time and cross-platform communication .

  24. 本论文的主要任务是为西安圣方数码科技有限责任公司的超能电器二代平台设计远程控制应用软件。

    This paper 's main task is to design the application software of remote-control for the platform of Super Instrument II .

  25. 远程家电控制软件是一套综合性的应用软件系统,要能体现出信息家电的网络化、信息化、智能化的特点。

    Software of remote - appliance - controlling is an all - around application software system . It incarnated the network and informatization and intellectualized of the communication appliance .

  26. 在此基础上,本文提出了硬件设计相应模块的设计要求。论文接着介绍了当前流行的几种操作系统基本情况,并说明最终选择eCos操作系统作为远程电机控制系统软件平台的原因。

    On this basis , the paper put forward to the design requirements of the corresponding module . Secondly , after the introduced of basic situation of popular several operating systems , the paper then described the choice of embedded operating systems .

  27. 虚拟仪器在远程控制中的软件设计与实现

    Soft Design and Implementation of Remote Control System Using Virtual Instruments

  28. 远程控制系统的软件设计

    Designing software of remote control system

  29. 编写了主控端的远程接收及控制软件,成功实现了基于三维小波图像编码的远程监控系统。

    The receiver program for the remote control is designed , and the remote surveillance system is implemented successfully .

  30. 软件方面进行了传送协议实现、仪器远程控制和系统软件的设计,接入以太网,组成嵌入式网络仪器。

    The software carried on the transmission protocol realization , the instrument remote control and the system software design , so connected the ethernet to made up the embedded network instrument .