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yuǎn zhàn
  • distant fight
远战[yuǎn zhàn]
  1. 他卓越的近战远战能力也让很多人坚信他已经超越了他的父亲斯巴达。

    His mastery of close-quarter and ranged combat has led some to believe he has Surpassed hi father .

  2. 传统的战争观念要随着战争形态的变化而改变。未来战争对传统战争观念将提出四个方面的挑战:近战制胜观受到远战制胜论的挑战;

    Traditional idea of war should change according to the changes of war formation , and the future war challenges it in four aspects : the concept of subdue in close combat receive the challenge of that of subdue in distant combat ;

  3. 激光末制导炮弹是炮兵用于远战的一种精确制导炮弹。它集激光技术、电子技术、飞行控制技术于一体,在飞行弹道末段依靠激光信号引导,能准确地跟踪并攻击点状目标。

    Laser terminal guided projectile , a kind of artillery precisely guided shell , which combines laser technology with electronics and flying control technologies , can guide the shell by laser signal in the terminal stage of the trajectory to track and attack the point target accurately .

  4. 常规导弹因其远战能力强、作战节奏快、杀伤破坏力大、对战争进程影响明显等特点,越来越为兵家所重视,并逐渐成为现代战争中一种重要的作战样式。

    Conventional missiles are now more and more concerned by the Military experts , as for its strong capacity of long-range striking , fast-paced attacking process , huge destructive power , obvious impact on the course of the war . Conventional missile operation has become an important Combat Format .