
yuǎn chénɡ ɡuò chénɡ diào yònɡ
  • remote procedure call
  1. 本文阐述在异构环境下设计和实现的支持大数据量传输的异步远程过程调用ARPC。

    This paper discusses the Asynchronous Remote Procedure Call ( ARPC ) in heterogeneous distributed environment .

  2. 在一个SOA中,一个服务调用看起来就像是一个远程过程调用(remoteprocedurecall,RPC)。

    In an SOA , a service call looks like a remote procedure call ( RPC ) .

  3. 远程过程调用(RemoteProcedureCall,RPC)并不是一个新的概念。

    Remote Procedure Calls ( RPC ) are not a new concept .

  4. SUN工作站中远程过程调用的实现

    Implementations of Remote Procedure Call in SUN Working Station

  5. 基于XML的嵌入式远程过程调用实现

    Embedded Remote Procedure Call Based on XML

  6. 因此,就响应时间而言,Web服务调用比其他类型的远程过程调用的开销更大。

    Therefore Web service invocation costs more in terms of response time than some other kinds of remote procedure invocation .

  7. CORBA是一个强大的、标准化的远程过程调用规范。

    CORBA is a powerful , standardized remote procedure call specification .

  8. RPC(RemoteProcedureCall,远程过程调用)是支持分布式应用系统之间通讯的一种重要机制。

    RFC ( Remote Procedure Call ) is an important mechanism for application communications in a distributed environment .

  9. WSDL和SOAP组成了一个强大的远程过程调用系统。

    WSDL and SOAP combined together make a powerful remote procedure calling system .

  10. GWT在自己的远程过程调用(remoteprocedurecall,RPC)机制背后抽象这个通信过程。

    GWT abstracts this communication process behind its own remote procedure call ( RPC ) mechanism .

  11. 这两个服务都依赖于远程过程调用(RemoteProcedureCall,RPC)协议,以便在整个网络的范围内共享信息。

    These both rely on the Remote Procedure Call ( RPC ) protocol to share information across the network .

  12. 研究了事务应用中的相关技术,XML远程过程调用以及在调用过程中涉及到的信息转换和传递;

    Studied and realized the RPC ( Remote Procedure Call ), and the information translation and message transferring in the way .

  13. 这是使用HTTP作为传输协议和使用XML作为编码方式的远程过程调用。

    This is a remote procedure call that uses HTTP as the transport and XML as the encoding .

  14. SOAP中的远程过程调用

    The Remote Procedure Call in SOAP

  15. 从其名称可以看出,最初的目的是为了支持使用XML的远程过程调用(RemoteProcedureCall,RPC)操作。

    As suggested by the name , the intent was to support RPC ( Remote Procedure Call ) operations using XML .

  16. 在WSDL定义中,存在两种消息绑定样式:Document和远程过程调用(RemoteProcedureCall,RPC)。

    In WSDL definition , there are two message binding styles : document and Remote Procedure Call ( RPC ) .

  17. 它们只是通过SOAP或结构良好的集成体系结构的远程过程调用或点到点消息传递而已。

    They 're simple remote procedure calls or point-to-point messaging through SOAP or well structured integration architectures .

  18. 就其本质而言,JAX-RPC定义并使用了一种基于XML的远程过程调用机制。

    At its core , JAX-RPC defines and uses an XML-based remote procedure call mechanism .

  19. 对于远程过程调用(RemoteProcedureCall,RPC)应用程序来说,同步请求/响应的设计风格通常是自然契合的。

    For Remote Procedure Call ( RPC ) applications , the synchronous request / response design style is usually a natural fit .

  20. 可扩展标记语言/远程过程调用(XML/RPC)以XML格式安排HTTP上的过程调用。

    The Extensible-Markup-Language / Remote Procedure Call protocol ( XML / RPC ) marshals procedure calls over HTTP in an XML format .

  21. 远程过程调用(RPC)中发生内部错误。

    An internal error occurred in a remote procedure call ( RPC ) .

  22. 到目前为止,其主要的机制仍然是远程过程调用RPC和对象RPC。

    So far , the primary mechanism of it is still RPC and OORPC .

  23. 文章针对管理信息系统的发展现状和嵌入式系统的特点,提出一个基于XML的嵌入式远程过程调用的实现方案。

    Aiming at the status quo of MIS and the characteristic of embedded system , this paper illustrates an XML-based embedded remote procedure call solution in detail .

  24. 远程过程调用(RPC)是一种高层通信机制,而RPC中的鉴别(authentication)则为这种高层通信机制的安全性提供了保障。

    Remote Procedure Call ( RPC ) is a high level communication mechanics and the authentication assures its security .

  25. Web服务总是被设计成至少适用于两种基本的编程模型:远程过程调用(remoteprocedurecalls,RPC)和文档交换。

    Web services have always been designed to be applicable to at least two fundamental programming models : remote procedure calls ( RPC ) and document exchange .

  26. 就像EJB、CORBA和DCE一样,Web服务的核心抽象也是远程过程调用。

    As with EJB , CORBA , and DCE , the core abstraction for Web services is a remote procedure call .

  27. 用于基于XML的远程过程调用的JavaAPI(JAX-RPC)在Java社区过程(JavaCommunityProcess)已经达了最终推荐阶段,被命名为JSR101。

    Java APIs for XML-based Remote Procedure Call ( JAX-RPC ) have reached the final recommendation stage at the Java Community Process as JSR101 .

  28. 基本远程过程调用使用的是标准AMF管道。

    For basic remote procedure calls a standard AMF channel is used .

  29. SOAP是一种使用扩展标注语言(XML)进行消息传递和远程过程调用(RPC)的方法。

    SOAP is a method for using Extensible Markup Language ( XML ) in message and remote procedure call ( RPC ) based protocols .

  30. 这是在服务器远程过程调用的回调处理器中的starter项目中完成。

    This is done in the starter project in the callback handler to the remote procedure call to the server .