
  • 网络binary system;double galaxies;binary galaxy
  1. 双星系中两子星的自转对双星轨道变化的后牛顿效应

    The post-Newtonian effects due to rotation of stars on the variation of the orbital elements of the component in binary system

  2. 黑洞最有说服力的证据来自对双星系的研究。

    The most convincing evidence of black holes comes from research into binary star systems .

  3. 在一些双星系里。

    In some binary systems .

  4. 在一些双星系里,天文学家已经表示这里有一颗看不到的伴星,即我们可以在天空中看到的一颗星球的伙伴。

    In some binary systems , astronomers have shown that there is an invisible companion star , a partner to the one which we can see in the sky .

  5. 不过从暗蓝星系问题得到的宇宙学双星系演化结论是很模糊的,尽管目前主流的观点认为是蓝矮星系造成了暗蓝星系的过剩。

    Nevertheless , the conclusion from the study of faint blue galaxies is still very vague , although it is generally believed that the blue dwarfs cause the excess .

  6. 人们在某些双星系中发现了致密天体,分析表明这些天体的质量远远超出了广义相对论中任何一颗死亡恒星的质量极限,因而把它们确定为黑洞。

    People found compact objects in some binary systems , and identified them as black holes , because careful analysis showed that their masses are far beyond any limit accepted for dead stars in general relativity .