
  1. 第二章研究宋画中的建筑与基址环境;第三章着重结合《营造法式》及实物对宋画中的建筑本体形态作重点研究,并分析建筑形态的环境成因;

    In second chapter the article studies the architecture and its circumstances in paintings of Song Dynasty .

  2. 从《建筑十书》与《营造法式》的比较看中西文化的不同

    Seeking the difference in the sino-west culture from the comparison of Ten Books on Architecture and Ying-tsao-fa-shih

  3. 我们视为尊贵无比的《营造法式》对中国建筑界的统治应该结束了!

    We as a magnitude of the french of the construction industry to chinese rule should be over !

  4. 其中还以《营造法式》为蓝本,尝试复原古代砖瓦窑。

    Taking " Ying Zao Fa Shi " as a blueprint to try to recover the ancient brick kiln .

  5. 作为深入探索清代则例,以及《工程做法则例》与《营造法式》、《营造法源》等,古典建筑书之间关系的第一步。

    This will be the first step to study the classical architectural books of Qing Dynasty and their relationships more clearly .

  6. 以此为题讨论了《营造法式》中的图学思想、古代建筑制图的规范化、建筑图样的绘制技术及其对现代工程图学的贡献。

    The thesis discusses the idea of construction drawing , the standardization of architectural drawing in ancient China , drawing techniques of architectural patterns in this work , as well as its contributions to modern construction drawing .

  7. 就电影发展与产品设计自身的结构、发展规律的一些共性,可以探讨产品设计中的蒙太奇思维,从而让其更好地丰富和发展产品设计语言,创造出更具美学价值的营造法式。

    This article aims at discussing the montage thought in terms of the structure , law of development of the movie development and the product in the product design , thus enriching and developing product design language , and creating the building Buddhist ritual procedures which has more esthetics value .

  8. 《营造法式》是中国第一部详细论述建筑工艺的官方著作。对于古建筑研唐宋建筑的发展,考察宋及以后的建筑形制、工程装修做法、当时的施工组织管理,具有无可估量的作用。

    Yingzao Fashi , the first official treatise on architecture and craftsmanship , plays an immeasurable role in the research on ancient architecture , the development of architecture in the Tang and Song Dynasties , and the probing into the architectural structures , project decoration methods and the construction organization and management in the Song and its ensuing Dynasties .